  • 學位論文


Corporate Social Responsibility:A Case Study of Community-Based Sponsored Project of Sinyi Realty

指導教授 : 謝登旺


19世紀自歐美先進國家興起之企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility 簡稱CSR)潮流,到了21世紀,政府、社運人士、媒體更加期望企業能肩負起社會責任,許多機構也開始於每年年終時,為企業在社會責任的表現進行排名,企業社會責任嚴然成為全球企業領導人的當務之急,企業的利益關係人也努力形成壓力,使企業自發性的面對社會問題,並負起處理解決的責任。企業行為若不能見容於社會,不僅可能在財務上損失慘重,同時損及企業形象。有鑑於此,企業成為優良的企業公民,已成為現代企業重要課題,擴展企業社會責任則是企業公民的最佳表現。 本研究以國內中小企業之房仲業信義房屋在2000年正式上市後,不斷因在推展企業社會責任理念與面向上表現優異,屢獲評比佳績頗具經驗之公司為研究案例,分析其企業社會責任運作架構,研究發現信義房屋發展CSR的內部因素主要為領導者周董事長俊吉一直以來對於「取之於社會,用之於社會」的理念與關注倡議為根本關鍵,形成一種企業文化,尤其中小企業內部人力資源管理,更是CSR推動之重點方向,使內部員工產生認同感,增加員工對公司的向心力與忠誠度。進一步透過員工把CSR理念傳揚出去,甚至接觸到顧客群,讓客戶知道公司已經開始關注CSR,讓公司塑造新品牌形象,而外部引導因素則是為了回應社會社區的需求,以獲得正面社會形象與提昇社區環境品質,所以從以前傳統的慈善捐助,至尋求社會需求及社區關懷,進而內化為創造價值的一環。最後從內外部因素及客觀外部因素,檢視企業經營念與核心技術,以企業關注社區議題層面,執行機制,擬具企業CSR在社區實踐模式,可提供國內企業關注社區議題執行CSR以及學術研究之參考。


The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility rose in highly developed countries during the 19th century, and its trend has continued till now. In the 21st century, no matter the government, social activists or mass media all have higher expectation on enterprises of their shouldering of corporate social responsibility more than before. Hence, many assessment organizations begin to rank enterprises according to their performance in social responsibility in the end of every year. The corporate social responsibility has however become the top priority task of global corporate leaders. In the meanwhile, corporate stakeholders are striving to create enough pressure so that enterprises can spontaneously face social problems and shoulder the responsibility of dealing with and solving problems. A corporate behavior that can not be accepted in the society may not only cause its enterprise to suffer a heavy financial loss, but also directly damage its corporate image. In view of this, to become an excellent enterprise citizen has been the important task of modern enterprises, and relatively extending corporate social responsibility would be the best performance of enterprise citizens. This study is intended to undertake a case study on Sinyi Realty, a listed enterprise in real estate industry launched in the stock market in 2000 to analyse the operation structure of its corporate social responsibility, because who has performed very well in developing the concept of corporate social responsibility, and has frequently been rated in a good ranking by the related assessment organizations. In this study, we discovered that Chou, Chun-Chi, president of Sinyi Realty is the soul of developing the CSR in the interior of his enterprise, who has created his own enterprise culture based on the concept of “what is taken from the society is used in the interests of the society” and other related issues, and who has especially intended to develop the CSR in the interior of small and medium enterprises by focusing on their human resources management in order to achieve the goal of their employees’ identification with them, and also increasing their centripetal force and loyalty to them, and further to spread the concept of CSR via their employees, and to draw customers’ attention to their concerns of CSR through their employees’ direct contact with customers in expectation of reforming their new corporate image. The external factor is to respond society or community demand for establishing a positive social image and promoting the community environmental quality. Thus, it is the transition of the enterprise from the traditional way of donation to initiatively unearthing social demands, which has finally been internalized as a link of value creation of the enterprise. The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of enterprise management and core technology by the internal and external factors and objective external factor, and to draft a model scheme suitable for enterprises to carry out their CSR in community through implementing the mechanism from the viewpoint of enterprise’s concern of community-related issues, which is expected to be for reference of local enterprises in implementing their CSR concept and for researchers’ in engaging in their academic studies.


黃營杉、齊德彰(2005)。〈企業倫理、社會責任與慈善公益作為之研究 --- 以台灣高科技電子產業為例〉,《人文暨社會科學期刊》,65-82。


