  • 學位論文

產品屬性、消費者個人特徵及產品使用經驗 對觸控手機購買意願的影響研究

An effect study on purchase intention of Touch Mobile Phone about product attributes, consumers’ trait and product usage experience.

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


2007年Apple推出之iPhone成功演示多點觸控的自在、直覺操控性,令人驚艷;也引發消費性電子產品導入觸控面板的風潮。網路、媒體、產業研究報告都宣稱「iphone效應觸動觸控面板商機」。其實,2000年,台灣的觸控面板業曾因個人數位處理器(PDA)出現,而有過一番榮景,但沒想到2003年開始,PDA卻未如預期般造成風潮,有超過一半以上的廠商因此關門大吉。此番,到底觸控面板產業的榮景是否能夠持續發光發熱?亦或似2000年的PDA熱潮一樣的僅是曇花一現?值得探討。 本研究以觸控應用的主流產品-觸控手機為標的,探討產品屬性、消費者個人特徵與產品使用經驗對購買意願的影響。並進一步分析探索相同的研究對象其三個月內(短期)、一年內(中期)購買意願的變化與趨勢。 本研究採用便利抽樣方式,由親友發放問卷予北部地區的手機使用者為研究對象進行問卷發放與回收,有效樣本186份,資料回收後接著進行信度分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析、獨立樣本t檢定、描述性統計、卡方檢定。實證分析結果如下: 一、「先驗知識」與三個月觸控手機購買意願有顯著正向關係。二、「相對優勢」和「先驗知識」與一年內觸控手機購買意願有顯著正向關係。三、不同「創新採納角色」的觸控手機購買意願是有顯著差異的。四、不同「創新產品認知」程度的手機使用者不論是三個月內或一年內其觸控手機購買意願都沒有顯著差異。五、「產品使用經驗」-「有使用經驗」和「沒有使用經驗」兩組不論在三個月內或一年內的觸控手機購買意願都有顯著差異,顯示類似產品的使用經驗是影響觸控手機購買意願的重要因素。 另成對比較不同創新採納角色-1.早期採用者 2.早期大眾 3.晚期大眾 4.落後者在三個月內與一年內購買意願的表現,發現: 1)早期採用者和早期大眾無論在三個月或一年內的購買意願表現是無顯著差異的; 2)晚期大眾和落後者無論在三個月或一年內的購買意願表現是無顯著差異的; 3)早期採用者,隨著時間的增加(一年內相較於三個月內)與晚期大眾和落後者的平均數差異也是增加的。 4)早期大眾,隨著時間的增加(一年內相較於三個月內)與晚期大眾的平均數差異卻是減少的。 5)早期大眾,隨著時間的增加(一年內相較於三個月內)和落後者的平均數差異也是增加的。 6)晚期大眾,隨著時間的增加(一年內相較於三個月內)和早期採用者的差異仍是顯著平均數差異也是隨著增加。 7)晚期大眾,隨著時間的增加(一年內相較於三個月內)和早期大眾的差異由顯著變得不顯著 創新採納角色在各自變數中之「相容性」、「複雜性」、「相對優勢」、「先驗知識」、「PDA使用經驗」有顯著差異表現存在


Apple launched iPhone and successfully demonstrated comfortable, intuitive multi-touch in 2007. It is amazing, also leads another application trend of touch panel into consumer electronics products. Website, media, industry research reports talked that "The Apple iphone’s impact on the Touch-Panel Industry”. In fact, in 2000, Taiwan touch panel industry was ever prosperous because of adoptions from personal digital assistance (PDA). Anyhow, it proved an over-expection, sincer 2003 more than half touch panel manufacturers could not survived themselves then shut down. So, will heat of iPhone-like touch diffuse constantly or be a flash in the pan? It is an important issue for touch panel industry. This study focused on mainstream application of touch – touch mobile phone, to explore effect factors of purchase intentions about product attributes, consumers’trait and product usage experience. Further aiming at the same object of study to explore the change and trend of their purchase intention at three-month period (short-term), within one year (medium term). Via convenience sampling method, a questionnaire issued to mobile phone users lived in Northern Taiwan, 186 effective samples were recovered. The collected data was investigated by reliability analysis, ANOVA, regression analysis, independent samples t-test, descriptive statistics, chi-square test. An Empirical Analysis of the results are as follows: First, "prior knowledge" is significant positive related to purchase intention of touch phone in three months. Second, "Relative advantage" and "prior knowledge" are significant positive related to purchase intention of touch phone in one year. Third, there is significant difference in purchase intention between different "Role of innovation adopter". Fourth, "innovation cognition" is regardless with touch mobile phone users’s purchase intention either in three months or one year. Fifth, "product usage experience" – either purchase intention during three months or in one year is significant different between "experienced" and "no experienced" groups, obviously that the usage experience of similar products is an important factor for touch mobile phone purchase intentions. Post hoc test was conducted to compare the purchase intentions during 3 months and/or 1 year among different innovation adopters - 1.early adopters 2.early majority 3. late majority 4. Laggards. The following are found that: 1) Early adopters and early majority, in terms of three months or one year, there is no significant differences in their purchase intentions; 2) Late majority and laggards, in terms of three months or one year, there is no significant differences in their purchase intentions, either; 3) Early adopters, the increase over time (within one year compared to three months), the average difference is increased with late majority and/or laggards. 4) Early majority, the increase over time (within one year compared to three months), the average difference with late majority is reduced. 5) Early majority, the increase over time (within one year compared to three months) those whose average difference between laggards is increased. 6) Late majority, the increase over time (within one year compared to three months) whose difference with early adopter is significant, the average difference is increased too. 7)Late majority, the increase over time (within one year compared to three months) their difference with early majority became not significant from significant. There are significant difference existing between different“role of innovation adaptors”in variables - "Compatibility","complexity", "relative advantage","prior knowledge", "PDA product usage experience ".


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