  • 學位論文


A Globalization and Competition Strategy for Startup Biotechnology Firms

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


摘 要   對於生命科學領域之生技產業,Richard W. Oliver在「生物科技大未來」(The Coming Biotech Age:The Business of Bio-Materials)一書中開宗明義地揭示了這個世紀的趨勢:「十九世紀是機械工業時代,二十世紀是化學、物理工業時代,而二十一世紀是生物物質工業時代」。生物科技的發展日進千里,美國之所以能成為產業龍頭、研發重鎮,能有源源不斷的創新技術,從學術研究機構擴散至產業界,一個動態、有彈性、且能充分反應市場技術需求的產業策略規劃,是其成功的主要關鍵。   本論文係以生技新創企業,在走向國際舞台的路程中,探討如何以前輩的理論基礎,試圖找出一個策略,並分析產業領導廠商的攻防構思,其中的「合作與競爭」可以說非常重要的決策藝術。例如,要想使某項技術成為業內標準且被廣泛使用,就需要尋找策略夥伴讓此技術運用價值,快速達到規模經濟,阻擋後進着的追趕,這時候就必須在一定範圍內分享技術能力與驗證成果。同時新創企業也必須分清競爭與非競爭的關鍵點,最重要的是將事業引向成功利基點。      綜觀世界現今生物技術產業發展歷史,北美與歐洲文獻計載(1861)自今已發展近一百五十年歷史,可以成功運用着,從時間上與投入資源而言是不成比例。所有的生技產業都拭目以待,到底其它公司要怎麼做? 因為這是一個混沌未開,春秋戰國的時代,但也是一個機會,因為沒有一個生技公司可以完全掌控所有的技術。是故,要發展生技產業之創新企業,應多思考善用優勢有限資源,作整體市場之合縱聯橫策略,發揮商業智慧精神,為企業創造更珍貴價值鏈。台灣生技新創企業,應從國際市場規模與技術實力觀點,找出最具國際競爭力之產業技術需求與發展為目標,並統合自己的優(缺)點作分析,構思一個可行的策略。   本研究首先從生技產業歷史回顧,觀看產業變化,找出新創企業要怎麼切入的機會點作為出發,就技術的演化、運用成效、市場規模、策略的構思與佈局,建立一個邏輯推論模型,並輔以文獻資料作為佐證,歸納出「競爭與合作」是產業價值鍊的重要一環,唯有透過合作才能快速將市場規模經濟坐大,爾後彼此才有競爭的舞台。而競賽過程中,傑出着將有機會導引市場往範疇經濟前進,去獲取更高利潤。接著,本研究透過A公司以技術研發為主軸,在不利的地理環境中,如何與現有國際大廠建構「競爭與合作」的商業觀點,試著找出一個完整模型去解釋台灣生技新創企業國際化競爭策略的思考。最後,本文將分別針對實務面以及後續研究提出策略性建議。


生物技術 策略聯盟


ABSTRACT In the field of Biotechnology, Richard W. Oliver stated in a recent book, The Coming Biotech Age:The Business of Bio-Materials: “19th Century is a machine-driven industry, 20th century is a chemical and physical industry, however, 21st century is a biotechnology era”. Rapid progress is being made in biotechnology. The key factors of for the success of America Biotechnology are not only due to the expansion of science and technology based innovation from research laboratory to the market, but also due to the dynamic, flexible and market-driven strategic planning to fulfill the changing demand in the market. This dissertation aims to look into the dynamics of delicately balancing between cooperation and competition in strategic alliances between a new enterprise and the existing leading corporate during strategic decision making process. For instance, it is important to seek business partners to share resources and capabilities in order to develop a new technology to reach the maximal economy of scale rapidly, and to discourage the followers. Therefore, it is important for a new enterprise to distinguish the borderline between cooperation and competition to drive success. The earliest history of Biotechnology was dated back in 1861 according to the North America and European history. Nevertheless, the biotechnology has not yet being fully utilized at the present time comparing to its long history. Since there are more opportunities to be developed in this particular industry, it is vital for a corporation, especially for a startup firm in Taiwan, to strengthen its core competence from the existing or potential resources and capabilities. Furthermore, the corporation also needs to seek a strategic path to create a valuable business chain in order to achieve its goal. This research first analyzes the trends and developments of the biotechnology history and industrial changes over the past years to find out opportunities for a new enterprise to enter the market. Then based on the technology revolution and effectiveness, market size and strategic thinking and planning, plus relevant literature review to summarize the importance of “competition and cooperation” in the biotechnology industry. Economic scale would only become bigger through cooperation between enterprises, and then a corporation would have the opportunity to gain the maximum profitability through competition. In addition, a research and development based “A” company was chosen as a model in this study to show the concept of “competition and cooperation” between this company and other international corporations to explain the strategic planning of startup firms in Taiwan. Lastly, the dissertation also provides suggestion for practical measures and future studies, with hope to promote the development of industry and international strategies.


Biotechnology Strategy


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