  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Strategy Use on Two Text Types by High School Students

指導教授 : 蔣湧濤


本論文旨在於瞭解高中生在聽對話式和演講式兩種文章類型時,聽力策略使用之情形。研究對象來自台北縣一所高中裡的46位高一學生,透過全民英檢初級聽力測驗,篩選高成就及低成就學生各12位做進一步的研究。在兩堂策略意識訓練之後,便進行資料的收集。此研究資料的收集主要是以聽力策略問卷的資料為主,並以書寫報告的資料為輔。而評斷學生對這兩篇文章理解程度的方法,是採分析他們所寫下的回想紀錄,來予以評分。 此篇研究結果發現,高、低成就者在對話和演講式文章類型上,後設認知策略的使用都較認知策略為多。而從單一組別內部,在這兩種文章類型策略使用的比較中發現,高成就者在演講式文章類型上高度應用了 “集中精神,清除雜念” 以及 “注意到自己失去注意力,並能重新集中注意力” 這兩項策略,且這兩項策略的使用達到了統計上的差異 (p <.05)。此外,在比較低成就組學生於這兩種文型的策略使用發現,在聽對話式文章類型時,低成就組者高頻率地採用了 “對聽到的內容失去興趣及集中力” 以及 “預測;假設將發展的內容” 這兩項策略。而這兩項策略的使用也達到了統計上的差異 (p <.05)。整體而言,此研究發現高、低成就兩組學生相比,高成就組學生策略使用上較積極,特別是在對話式文章類型上。而低成就組者和高成就者相比,策略的使用較不富變化,較沒有因不同文章類型而有明顯策略應用上的改變,策略的使用也因此較一致。


聽力理解 聽力策略 文型


This study aimed to explore listening comprehension strategies language learners employ when listening to two text types: the dialogue and the lecturette. Forty-six freshmen of Tsz-shiou Senior High School took the elementary level listening comprehension test of General English Proficiency Test (GEPT). Based on the scores of the listening proficiency test, 12 students were classified into high-achieving listening proficiency group, and another 12 students were grouped into low-achieving listening proficiency group. The 24 participants joined strategy awareness session for two hours before data collection. In the data collection procedure, participants’ strategy employment was gathered through strategy questionnaire and written verbal report. Immediate recall protocol was used to examine participants’ comprehension on the two listening texts. The result showed that, overall, both the high- and low-achieving listeners employed more meta-cognitive strategies than cognitive strategies on the two text types. Moreover, the comparison of strategy use on the two text types between groups showed that the high-achieving listeners highly employed “refocus” on the dialogue, and “focus attention” on the lecturette (p<.05). The low-achieving listeners frequently applied “express loss of attention” and “hypothesize” on the dialogue (p<.05). Furthermore, the findings of strategy use within one proficiency group revealed that the high-achieving listeners were more active in applying strategies than the low-achieving listeners were, especially on the dialogue. Also, strategy employment by the low-achieving listeners on the two text types appeared to be less varied and active than that by the high-achieving listeners.


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