  • 學位論文


A Study on the Problems of Military Personnel Administrative Punishments and its effects

指導教授 : 張其祿
共同指導教授 : 李弘暉(Hong-Hui Lee)


懲罰制度設計之真正目的與內涵實際上充滿著『保障』的精神,其不僅是個人權利的保障,更是保障國家軍事體制運作之一環。在長期處於非戰時期及民主化抬頭的今天,此兩種保障之衝突一而再的發生,已對軍人領導統御造成莫大的傷害。本研究採個案分析法篩選近年來三個國內較具代表性之懲戒案,並以問卷調查法發出258份問卷,經統計彙整分析後可獲得下列成果: 一、軍人不屬公務員保障法之適用對象,所謂的雙軌保障並無法完全適用於軍人,在維持憲法架構中統帥權之實行與保障軍人服公職之權利確實產生衝突。 二、雖然只有41.1%的受訪者同意『我覺得法院判定軍方敗訴,會造成日後軍方的重要命令宣達不易被貫徹』,但經由交叉分析比較後,上校以上高階軍官贊成比例為100%。而軍事之決策又以此高階以上軍官所策訂,因此對於此問題仍應特別加以重視。 三、約有95.4%的受訪者認為『為使國軍依法行政,應努力檢討具爭議性的法令規章,以保障官兵權益』,可見目前有關軍人懲戒制度應積極研討修正。 四、約有78.6%的受訪者認為『我覺得五八六旅旅長因孫吉祥事件遭受懲處,會影響部隊士氣』,由此可見,目前的連座懲處處份有其檢討之必要。 五、約有81.8%的受訪者認為『我覺得五八六旅旅長因孫吉祥事件遭受連帶懲處,會影響未來領導幹部的決策』,由此可見,軍中不當的處分已對領導幹部產生不良之影響。 最後,針對問卷分析出之現況問題,研擬出具體建議,期能提供將來研議陸海空軍懲罰法及有關法律修正之參考。




The real purpose of the punishment system for civil servants, including military personnel, is not only to protect the personal rights but also to make the national military machine run appropriately. Taiwan, a democratic country, has long been in times of peace. However, the clash between the two systems, Act of Punishment of the Armed Forces and Act on Discipline of Public Functionaries, has caused a great damage on the leadership of military personnel. This study applied the methodologies of Cases Analysis and Questionnaire Survey by dispatching 230 questionnaires focusing on the representative military personnel administrative punishment cases in the recent 3 years. The conclusions based upon the analysis of the retrieved questionnaires are listed as below: 1. Military personnel are not covered by Public Functionaries Protection Act, meaning that the “dual remedial procedure” cannot be applied on military personnel. Therefore, it is inevitably to have the conflicts between maintaining the commending military power authorized by constitution and protecting the rights for military personnel to serve as public servants. 2. Only 41.1% of the questionnaire takers agree that a loss of a lawsuit will cause the important orders and policies not to be fully implemented in the military. However, all high-ranking officers, colonels and above, see this question positive when the cross-examined of the data was conducted. The issue here is military policies are made by those officers, and this issue should be paid more attention to. 3. 95.4% of the questionnaire takers think that the controversial acts and laws should be re-examined in order to protect personal rights and make the country be ruled by law. The result suggests that all those acts and laws should be carefully amended. 4. 78.6% of the questionnaire takers think that the administrative punishment on 586 Armor Brigade commander for the company commander Sun Ji-Xiang’ accident will affect the unit’s morale. From this, we can see most of the samples think it is inappropriate to punish someone for his or her subordinates’ faults. 5. 81.8% of the questionnaire takers think that the administrative punishment on 586 Armor Brigade commander for the company commander Sun Ji-Xiang’ accident will affect the cadres’ decision-making process and their attitudes. Therefore, the inappropriate administrative punishment might have already caused a negative impact on cadres. Finally, based upon the analysis of the data the study proposed several suggestions in the hope of being the reference of future amendment on Act of Punishment of the Armed Forces and other relating laws and regulations.


punishment system


