  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying CRM Concept on Rotating Cooperative Education Program of VHS: An Example of Cheng-kung Senior Industrial & Commercial Vocational School

指導教授 : 陳家祥


本研究旨在探討成功高級工商職業學校應用輪調式建教合作教育的理念及其辦理現況,並針對個案學校在執行學生關係管理的層面做一剖析,並依據研究結論提出具體建議,以做為該校輪調式建教合作教育未來運作之參考。研究主要目的為:一、探討個案成功工商之輪調式建教合作的辦理由來與現況。二、如何應用顧客關係管理模式以暸解學生與家長之需求。三、提供個案成功工商未來在輪調式建教合作運作上其他具體建議。 研究方法係經由文獻探討、深度訪談成功工商康校長和輪調班謝主任、抽樣訪問建教合作廠家和該校輪調班一至三年級學生的探索性研究分析方式,歸納整理完成「個案分析」與「研究發現」提出命題,希望透過顧客關係管理的策略深入探討,最後再針對個案學校提出研究建議。 經由文獻探討及探索性研究歸納綜合分析後,本研究針對維持學生與培育學生兩部分提出相關建議。在維持學生方面:一、提昇輪調式建教合作的品質及保障學生的權益。二、落實輔導機制,學校與事業單位應負起共同輔導技術生的責任。在培育學生方面:一、學生輪調期彈性化,達到建教合作產學雙贏的局面。二、充實技能輔導與職場倫理,使學生在職場也能有系統的學習,致使技術生專業與實務能相輔相成。以上所提出之本研究建議,期能有助於個案學校後續有效的推動建教合作方案,提升產學雙方的效益,達到建教合作產學雙贏的局面。


The research is for the purpose to understand the concept in rotating cooperative education program and further to the students relationship management in the case school that also could be the best reference in future education. The research purposes contain the following: first, take case school, Cheng-kung Senior Industrial & Commercial Vocational School, as a success example of adopted rotating cooperative education program. Second, applying customer relationship management in order to understand the need from student and householder. Third, provide suggestion for Cheng-kung Senior Industrial & Commercial Vocational School after applied rotating cooperative education program. The research method through literature review, interview with the president of Cheng-kung Senior Industrial & Commercial Vocational School and also the supervisor who responsible for rotating cooperative education; moreover, explore cooperated firms and students together which come out as “case analysis” and “research finding” as for the research topic that through the strategy of customer relationship management apply to the case school. There are some suggestions after completing this research with case analysis and literature reference discussion. For retaining students: first, we need to improve the quality of Rotating Cooperative Education Program and secure students’ benefits. Second, the school and enterprises should be co-responsible for student learning and counseling. For nurturing students: first, we need to provide the flexibility of the rotating period of the Rotating Cooperative Education Program. Second, make sure students are able to apply what they have learned at school and also be able to conduct business ethics in enterprises. The above suggestions are expected to help case school for applying cooperative education program effectively in order to raise the benefits for both school and enterprises in the future.


7、李基常(1996),「高職教育的省思與展望-談高職師資培育與建教合作」,《師友月刊》, 351期,頁10-13。


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