  • 學位論文


A Study on System and Improving of Alternating Cooperative Education Program in Vocational High School

指導教授 : 徐昊杲


高職輪調式建教合作教育制度自民國五十八年由一校一科進行試辦,各校陸續加入,迄今已實施屆三十八年,在這期間歷經了經濟與社會環境的變遷及教育改革,當前國內環境與當時環境已大不同。輪調式建教合作教育制度雖然隨著外在環境變化有做若干的調整,但這當中仍有若干制度設計或執行上的缺失,造成實施成效不易彰顯。 為讓輪調式建教合作教育制度能符合當前的環境需要,並成為一個有用、好用及可用的人才培育制度。本研究先探討背景環境,包括深入探討建教合作教育的理念及其理論基礎,輪調式建教合作制度發展之沿革,輪調式建教合作教育當前外部環境的的經濟、社會及教育的因素,德國二元職業教育制度及美國建教合作教育制度。並針對制度內涵(包括制度面與執行層面)做一剖析,最後再提出改進意見。 根據研究發現,歸納結論如下: 輪調式建教合作教育制度運作之有效運作模式:法令與目標為制度運作之指引;主管教育行政機關為制度規劃者與監控者;建教合作協調小組為協調運作之橋樑;學校為制度運作的引擎;合作事業單位為制度執行之重心;學生(技術生)為整個制度之主角也是核心;制度內各個職責環環相扣,才能達成訓練成效。造成輪調式建教合作教育制度學習本質褪化之原因有:輪調式建教合作之技術生定位模糊;中小企業居多欠缺有效訓練之能力;缺乏訓練有素之專業人員;產業環境變遷促使開發高相關之工作崗位不易;連結就業的職業資格體系未有效建立;補充訓練對提升技能學習廣度有限;最低薪資保障衝擊學習廣度;著重於社會功能面;開放合作區域致職場學習輔導功能不彰;學校缺乏專業人員維持運作;產業界缺乏對人力培育之責任等。 針對上述改進策略分為政策面、法令面、制度面、執行面,執行面又分為中央主管機關、主管教育行政機關、學校、事業單位、技術生、勞工委員會、及其他單位等共提出建議。


The “Vocational Senior High School Alternative Cooperation Education Program” was established in 1969 with only one department within one school as the trial implementation. Other vocational high schools joined in later and the program has been in operation for 38 years and has undergone major social and economical changes and educational reforms. With the current conditions drastically different from before, this program, though underwent several adjustments over the years already, was defected in system design as well as program implementation and thus resulted in its inadequacy to bring out the expected effect. In order to fine-tune the “Vocational Senior High School Alternative Cooperative Education Program” to suit the needs of the current conditions, and to ensure its quality as a usable, useful and applicable system for training of the vocational high school students for future employment, this research conducted a thorough exploration of the concepts and theoretical foundations of the Cooperative Education Program”, the development of the “Alternative Cooperative Education Program” system, the current economical, social and educational factors that influenced the program, and the co-op programs in Germany and U.S., this research then analyzed the program on its system and its implementation seeking to propose strategies for improvements based on the research findings. 1.The operation of the “Vocational Senior High School Alernative Cooperative Education Program” functions with: Objectives and regulations as guidelines, governing offices of educational administration as the planner and monitor, and the coordination team as the bridge for communication.Scholl as the running engine, collabrative industry as the focus of the implementation, students as the core of the program operation. collabrative industry as the focus of the implementation, students as the core of the program operation. 2.The reasons why the purposes were not fulfilled in the “Vocational Senior High School Alernative Cooperative Education Program”:Skilled-student positioning in the program was unclear; the cooperating of collabrative industry mainly medium and small business and lacked a good training system as well as trained professionals to provide guidance for the skilled-students.The professional certification system which qualifies the skilled-student for employment upon graduation was not well-established.Supplementary training failed to effectively expand the learning of the skills and competences, and the guaranteed minimum wages aggravated the unsatisfactory learning quality.The program’s being exclusively for the private vocational schools limited its function to serve only the social needs, and the school personnel’s guidance was inadequate in the in collabrative industry due to the lack of professional training.Industrial sector lacked the sense of responsibility in training the skilled-students et al. Based on the research findings and conclusions, this research then proposed suggestions classified into 4 categories as policies, regulations, system and implementations. The implementation facet was further divided into the central government, the governing office of educational administration, schools, business organizations, skilled-student, Council of Labor Affairs and other related offices and organizations.




張簡毓蕙(2009)。探討「產學攜手合作計畫」技術生工作崗位訓練之實習成效 –以餐旅群為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2009.00005
