  • 學位論文


The application of Design for Six Sigma on high level Smart Phone development

指導教授 : 鄭春生


2008 年至今全球經歷金融危機,企業面臨了嚴峻的挑戰,企業負責人必須思考各種策略來提升獲利、降低成本以維繫企業的生存及永續發展。摩托羅拉於 1980 年代中期發展出六標準差 (Six Sigma) 品質改善方法,而奇異於 1995 年將六標準差發揚光大,許多公司相繼導入並獲得顯著的效益。本研究以六標準差設計 (design for six sigma, DFSS) 導入國內智慧型手機廠之新產品開發模式為案例實做,使其達到六標準差品質水準。透過 DFSS 的 DMADV-定義 (define)、量測 (measure)、分析 (analyze)、設計 (design)、驗證 (verify) 等五個階段進行智慧型手機新產品的創新開發;在定義階段以 KJ 分析法找出重要的顧客心聲,並使用品質機能展開 (quality function deployment, QFD),將顧客心聲轉換為技術需求。衡量階段將技術需求轉換為零件需求,運用設計潛在失效模式與效應分析,將潛在失效模式依風險優先指數排序,找出對應的失效肇因並提出改善及預防措施。分析階段選擇 TRIZ 創新方法,改善滑蓋機構的間隙及使用壽命,理想性由現行的 1.5 提升至 8。在設計階段以實驗設計找出手機外殼噴漆製程最佳參數,噴漆耐磨次數 由 0.06 提升至 2.16,並採用蒙地卡羅模擬進行公差分析,結果顯示有 98.37% 的機率滑蓋間隙會落在 0.1mm~0.7mm 之間;最後以環境可靠度試驗等手法,進行產品可靠度驗證,經確認平均失效時間為 128,266 小時,符合顧客要求。本研究以 TL-9000 之首年退貨率 (year return rate, YRR) 做為績效衡量指標,結果顯示運用 DFSS 方法,首年退貨率由 5.05% 下降至 1.23%,大幅提升顧客滿意度、降低售後維修費用,並建立新產品設計開發模式,達到最低產品開發成本,奠定企業競爭優勢。


Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) has been utilized over the last few decades to deliver more robust products with more functionality and reduced cost. Enterprises that want to compete in the market must operate deploying flexibility, minimizing production costs, speeding up processes and assuring a high-quality level of output. For these reasons it is necessary to apply innovative and structured methodologies able to suggest techniques and methods to design, organise and manage industrial processes. DFSS represents one of the most effective methods to attain increases in business performance and customer satisfaction using a smart problem-solving method (DMADV). This study shows an implementation of a DFSS project in smart phone manufacturer to improve the performance level of the design process. The results of the case study demonstrate an effective approach that is able to design and reach Six Sigma level process, by applying KJ model, quality function deployment (QFD), TRIZ innovation, Monte Carlo simulation, reliability prediction of electronic equipment and design of experiments (DOE) tools. This case justifies the application of DMADV method in order to improve the performance level of design process.Finally, we use an index year return rate (YRR) from TL-9000 to evaluate the measurable effect of telecommunication industry product design quality. This DFSS process was practiced in A company actually. We found the YRR of R project (with DFSS process) is 1.23% that better than K project (without DFSS process) YRR 5.05%. The results of this case study show that with DFSS process could shorten new products development period, selected suitable components, estimated product life cycles and make enterprises with competitiveness advantage.


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2.Chowdhury, S., 2003, The power of design for six sigma, Dearborn Trade, Chicago, IL.
3.Chowdhury, S., 2002, Design for Six Sigma:The Revolutionary process for achieving extraordinary profits, Dearborn Trade, Chicago, IL.
4.Cooper, R. G., 1998, Product Leadership:Creating and Launching Superior New Products, Perseus Books, Cambridge, MA.


