  • 學位論文

國民中學教師專業成長需求及其發展之探討 -以桃園縣某一所國中為例

The Research of Professional Growth Needs and Development for Teachers of Junior High School - A Case Study of a Junior High School in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 謝登旺
共同指導教授 : 羅惠宜


摘 要 本硏究主要目的在於探討國民中學教師專業成長之現況與需求,並以桃園縣某一所國中為例,藉由個案研究的方式,輔之教師生涯發展的論述,深入了解國民中學教師專業成長之現況、需求、困難,以及專業成長困難的排除之道。教師專業成長指教師在教學生涯中,為提升個人專業知識、能力、態度與技能,主動積極參與正式和非正式的學習活動的歷程。教師基於職務進展的需要、或是個人內在動機自我實現的需求、或是基於外部動機所形成的誘因,透過參與各種學習活動及反省其思考過程,以求其專業知識與技能符合專業之標準,對於教學工作做專業的判斷,進而提高其教育品質。在漫長的教學生涯中,每位教師每階段所需發展的時間、速度也不盡相同,因人而異,卻與教師專業成長發展息息相關。也就是說,若是教師生涯發展是教師人生的軌道,教師會在不同時間、因不同的目的及需要,在人生的軌道上尋求不同的成長與學習。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採文獻分析法與個案研究法進行,在個案研究部分,蒐集資料的方式包括深度訪談,以及文件分析,研究結果如下: 一、個案學校教師專業成長之現況 個案學校教師利用寒暑假與上班時間在學校或家中參與學校內、外之研習活 動以充實自我教學、個人知能、學科專門知能及教育專業知能外,相關書籍的閱讀與同事互動為個案學校教師專業成長之重要來源。不同年齡與科別之個案學校教師在專業成長取向或方式上有所差異,具有工作取向及自發性等特點,個案學校教師進行專業成長之頻率具有相當的個別差異,且對專業成長進行之現況大多感到滿意。 二、個案學校教師專業成長之需求 學位進修、向具有經驗教師學習、資訊能力培養及班級經營技巧為個案學校教師最感需求之專業成長方式。教師大都有進行專業成長之需求,適合的主題及實用性為主要考量;寒暑假、段考下午為個案學校教師認為最適宜時間, 三、個案學校教師專業成長之困難 時間、課務、個人及家庭因素無法配合為個案學校教師進行專業成長主要困難;專業成長經費、法令限制影響部分個案學校教師專業成長之動機;學校發展方向尚不明確,不易規劃實用性的專業成長進修課程;教師間參與專業成長之意願、需求不一,且缺乏明確獎勵機制提升其動機。 四、個案學校教師專業成長困難排除之道 給予進行專業成長時間上的彈性有益於教師專業成長活動的進行,提升品質乃發揮活動成效之根本;善加與桃園當地的大學合作擴增教師專業成長之可用資源;學校發展方向的溝通宣導有助於教師專業成長方向的擇定;規劃教師進行專業成長的鼓勵機制可刺激教師積極參與的動機。 五、教師專業成長需求即為教師生涯發展需求具體實現 教師的生涯發展具有動態的變化與發展,但因教師的個別差異而有所不同。教師生涯發展需求與教師專業成長需求呈階段性,教師在不同生涯發展階段中,具有不同的專業成長與需求。 最後,本研究針對上述結論,分別對於個案學校教師、個案學校行政單位及主管教育機關提出相關建議。


The purposes of this research are to explore the current conditions、needs and difficulties of professional growth of junior high school teachers which come with the viewpoints of teachers` career development. Data are collected through in-depth interview and various kinds of documents. Professional growth of teachers is a process to participate formal or informal learning activities positively to promote teachers` professional knowledge、abilities、attitude and skills. For different reasons or needs to meet teachers` professional standards and skills,teachers participate various learning activities and introspect themselves to obtain higher education qualities. During the long teaching career,teachers participate various learning activities by different needs of time、pace and stages which are connected with teachers professional development tightly. That means teachers would choose their own ways to achieve their leaning and development in their life. The research is proceeded by Case Study and Reference Analysis and the data are collected by In-depth Interview and Document Analysis. The research results are as following: 1. The current conditions of teachers’ professional growth at case study school Besides reading professional journals and interacting with co-workers, teachers use winter and summer vacation and working hours to attend professional growth learning activities to increase personals knowledge and competence、educational knowledge and class management skills either at school or at home. The ways and frequency teachers participate professional growth vary because of age and different subject they teach. Most of the teachers are satisfied with the current teachers’ professional growth condition and they do professional growth with on the basis of task-orientation and voluntary motivations. 2. The needs of teachers’ professional growth at case study school Studying for degrees、getting skills from experienced teachers and surfing on the net for information are the ways of professional growth teachers most need. Most of the teachers have the needs for professional growth. and the suitable topic,time and place must be put into consideration first. 3. The difficulties of doing professional growth at case study school Time, personal and family factors and class loadings are the main difficulties that affect teachers to participate in the activities of professional growth. Tuition and regulations are also restricted teachers’ learning motivaition. Without clear developing direction of school, it’s hard for teachers to plan the learning professional growth schedule. Most important of all, there is no specific and effective mechanism to encourage or reward the teachers to attend more professional grow activities. 4. The ways to help teachers to solve the difficulties at case study school To help teachers to arrange the time and classes to participate activities; enhance the quality of professional growth activities; corporate with local universities to start professional dialogue and communicate the developing directions of school with teachers; set up a mechanism to encourage teachers’ professional growth within school. 5. Teachers’ professional development is the concert realization of teachers’ career development Teachers’ career development has dynamic changes and development that vary from one to another and have its stages. Different stage of teachers’ career development has different professional growth needs. At last, some suggestions are brought out to the teachers、the school and the authorities of education and other junior high schools.


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