  • 學位論文


A Cross-linguistic Comparison between Chinese and English Hotel On-line Promotion and Self-presentation

指導教授 : 林淑璋


由於網際網路在商業溝通間的普及,許多產業的公司都致力於在網路上建構他們的形象,因此公司的線上自我呈現 (on-line self-presentation) 在現今成為一項重要議題,許多旅館利用線上簡介 (on-line profile) 在網路上建構其形象及和全球觀光客溝通。然而,至今少有研究探討旅館如何使用此一重要線上文本來建構形象並進一步勸誘讀者光臨,且跨語言的旅館簡介對比分析研究更是稀少;因此,本研究旨在比較中文及英文旅館線上簡介。此外,為了更進一步地了解此一重要文本在旅館業的使用,本研究也比較了不同住宿類型 (高級旅館、民宿、與青年旅舍) 的線上簡介。 為了探究旅館線上簡介的語言使用情況,本研究分別採用Cockcroft and Cockcroft (2005) 所整理出的行銷資訊架構 (information structure of persuasion) 和Lee et al. (1999)所提出的肯定性和防衛性自我展現策略 (assertive and defensive self-presentation strategies) 為分析旅館簡介文本結構和策略的分析框架。本研究共分析了120篇旅館線上簡介 (中、英文各60篇)。 研究結果顯示,中文和英文旅館簡介文本的資訊架構基本上是相同的:有兩個必要性階段,一是介紹旅館背景資訊的Introduction,二是強調或説明旅館優勢的Proof of the case,三為選擇性的Conclusion,用來呼應前述的優勢以加強可信度或加深印象,或邀請讀者光臨提高互動效果;但中、英文在提供結論的普遍性上有所不同,該差異可能是因為受到文化想法邏輯的不同影響。另一方面,儘管台灣和雪梨的旅館在自我展現策略的使用上大致是相似的 - 皆僅使用肯定性的自我展現策略,但這些策略所傳遞的訊息具體內容隨著三種不同住宿類型的目標客群及提供給顧客的主要功能不同而有所差異。簡言之,文化差異與不同目標客群的住宿類型皆會影響旅館如何在官網上建構其形象;期望本研究的結果與發現能夠提供簡介文本撰寫者及網頁編纂者或在訓練這些人才上有用的資訊。


Given the penetration of the Internet into a variety of business communications, corporations from various industries have devoted to construct their images on-line and therefore corporate on-line self-presentation becomes an important issue in the business world today. Many hotels make use of their on-line profiles to create their images and to communicate with tourists worldwide. However, to date, little research has been conducted to explore how hotels utilize such important on-line texts to construct their images and to further persuade prospective customers to visit the place; moreover, contrasting analysis of hotel profile texts between different languages is especially sparse. Therefore, this thesis study aims to investigate Chinese (Taiwan) and English (Sydney) hotel profile texts on official websites. Furthermore, in order to obtain deeper understanding of the utilization of this important text in hotel industry, the on-line profile texts of different accommodation types (upscale hotel, bed and breakfast, and hostel) are also compared in this study. This study adopted Cockcroft and Cockcroft’s (2005) reproduction of an information structure of persuasion and the Self-presentation Tactics model of assertive and defensive self-presentation strategies developed by Lee et al. (1999) to analyze the organizational structure and the strategies used in hotel profile texts, respectively. In total, 120 on-line hotel profile texts (60 Chinese texts from Taiwan, 60 English texts from Sydney) were studied in this research. The results show that the information structure of Chinese and English hotel profile texts is similar - Stage 1 Introduction opens the persuasion via introducing hotels’ background information, then Stage 2 Proof of the case highlights hotels’ superiority, and finally Stage 3 Conclusion close the persuasion via responding to the merits mentioned or inviting readers’ visiting - except for the frequency of providing conclusion in the texts, which may be influenced by cultural differences of thought patterns. On the other hand, despite the overall utilization of self-presentation strategies is similar between Taiwan and Sydney’s hotels, using assertive self-presentation strategies only, the specific subjects of the information delivered by these strategies are dissimilar among the three accommodation types according to their different target customers and major functions offered to customers. In brief, not only cultural differences but also different accommodation types with dissimilar target customers influence how hotels construct their images via the profiles on official websites. The findings of this study provide useful information and insights for training junior hotel profile text writers and webpage designers.


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