  • 學位論文


The Study of the Humanistic Significance of Characters in “Fengshen Yanyi”

指導教授 : 李翠瑛


《封神演義》向來以書中為數眾多的道教以真、神魔鬥法的奇幻內容以及豐沛的方術色彩著稱,對民間傳說、俗文學及宗教信仰方面影響深遠;然而,充滿想像空間的題材與內容,在過去往往被認為荒誕怪異飽受批評且不受重視,令這部神魔小說表面下的人文意涵也一同被忽略。   本文以《封神演義》中之人文意涵為研究對象,將書中出場的人物概分為神以、君王、朝臣三類,探討各類人物其形象或特定行為背後所可能蘊藏的人文意涵。「神以」代表來自「天意」的力量協助天道完成,但小說中之神以有許多接近於凡人形象的描述與特質,使其一改「敬天畏神」的色彩而增添許多「人味」。「君王」上承天命,下又負起安頓萬民之責,小說對書中三位君王的仁、暴之行分別給予褒貶,除有對苛政之譴責外,君王形象之道德定位與歷史詮釋似也有其可議之處。「朝臣」位處君王與百姓兩者之間,一方面需對君王忠誠以盡人臣之責,另一方面又需替百姓反映民聲、輔弼君王,小說中描繪朝臣們在行為或思想上的對立與衝突,使其各自爭鋒而有傳達理念之機會。這些人物表現出對「人本思想」以及「倫理秩序」之重視,也含有對封建時代意識形態與禮教觀念的批判,本文即著重於小說這些部分的解讀,以期對其人文意涵的發揚能有所貢獻。   在人物形象刻劃及情節結構上,《封神演義》雖不若《水滸傳》與《西遊記》般傑出,然就人物形象或故事情節所蘊含之人文意涵而言,《封神演義》確有其自己所不容忽視之價值與重要性。


“Fengshen Yanyi” is distinguished for its richness with Taoist immortals, sorceries and supernatural competition between the deity and the devil, which is impressively influential to the folk legends, literatures and religions. Regrettably, novels written out of imagination were considered to be odd and unbelievable in the past, which resulted in the neglect of the humanistic significance behind the story.   The thesis focuses on the humanistic significance in “Fengshen Yanyi”. In order to make a deep investigation in the meaning behind the specific behaviors and images of various characters clearly, the personages are divided into “immortals”, “kings” and “courtiers” three parts.   “Immortals” represent the force from “God's will”, which give assistance in completing the way of “divine providence”. However, in this novel, the descriptions and characteristics of the immortals have given them an image which is much closer to ordinary people. Thus, it changed the traditional respect and fear that people held for the deity into a much more “humanistic” way.   “Kings” are responsible for ensuring the completeness of “divine providence” as well as gaining peacefulness for their people. With this opinion, the novel has given reasonable estimations to the governance of the three kings accordingly. The book, which had made an obvious condemnation for their tyranny, also revealed the disputation that existed for the ethics and historical annotation of the kings’ image in an obscure way.   “Courtiers” who are between the kings and the people, have to be loyal to the kings as it’s one of their duties, and on the other hand, they also need to reflect the voice of the common people to restrain the kings. The conflicts between the courtiers’ in their behaviors and beliefs, have given them the opportunity to convey their ideas. These characters have contributed to demonstrating the respect of “humanism” and “morals” and also the criticism towards the feudalistic ideology and laws. The thesis emphasizes mainly on the interpretation of humanistic implications from the above mentioned parts.   In characterization of the characters and structure of the plot, “Fengshen Yanyi” is not as outstanding as “Outlaws of the Marsh” and “Journey to the West”, but on the aspect of the humanistic significance of the characters and the plot, “Fengshen Yanyi” still has its own value and importance, which can never be ignored.


盛 寧《新歷史主義》,臺北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司,1995。
