  • 學位論文


Comparatory Analysis of Human Resource Policies Between Formal and Outsourcing Personnels—A Case Study of H Technology Company

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


為因應全球化經濟的發展,維持企業核心的高度競爭力,彈性的人力運用似乎是當前企業普遍採取的策略與方法。妥善的運用派遣人力是有助於提升組織整體的競爭優勢,同時也能降低人事成本,進而增加企業營運績效。本研究主要在探討H資訊科技公司在運用人力派遣政策下組織內部兩種(正式與派遣)人力身份的勞動情況之間的差異性,並將分析後歸納之結果提供相關管理階層人力使用之參考依據,進而為公司創造競爭優勢。 本研究採用深度訪談法,訪談公司內部各相關部門不同職稱的同事,並就其僱用身份的不同依照事前所擬定好的訪談大綱進而獲得真實性的訪談資料,在運用初級及次級資料交叉分析及驗證,得到下列研究結論: 本研究發現從訪談人員及資料分析中所呈現的數據,在公司組織內部的外聘員工升遷管道,福利津貼及教育訓練與正式員工有明顯的差異性,這種差異的影響會給予外聘員工有同工不同酬的感覺,不平等的待遇容易產生負面的影響及感受。本研究建議公司應該為外聘員工建立一個正常升遷為正式員工的管道,並將其工作績效、專業能力及年資納入考量,並給予適當的職能訓練,畢竟營運績效的成長在於有效人力資源政策的運用。


In response to the globalization of economic growth and to stay competitive, flexible human resource management is a strategy commonly executed by enterprises. Well planned human resource management not only gives an enterprise advantages to face harsh competitions in the market, but also cuts down the HR cost. As a result, the enterprise can generate more profit out of limited revenue. This research is mainly focusing on the difference it would make for a company named “H Technology” to hire more formal employees and if such would prevail the strategy of hiring more contract workers (or vice versa). With a thorough analysis, this paper provides HR departments some insights and suggestions that can benefit the overall development of the company. This research is conducted based on in-depth interviews with employees from various departments. The interview questionnaires differ based on the different positions so to get the actual facts amongst them. After the first and second stages of data crosschecking and cross referencing processes, we have come to a conclusion as outlined below. According to the statistics obtained from interviews and the data analysis, there is indeed a prominent difference between contract workers and formal employees in job promotion, welfare and on-job training. This difference can influence the attitude of contract workers and their will to stay or leave the company, as they may feel being discriminated and can react negatively by showing less royalty to the company. This paper suggests that companies should establish a better and robust promotion system along the way for contract workers by assessing their performance, professional skills and number of working years, while providing them with thorough on-job training. After all, the growth of operational performance is dependent of the application of an effective manpower policy.


