  • 學位論文


The influences of hospitals employing Facebook on consumer medical care choices

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


自2004年以來,拜Web2.0網路科技之賜,社群網站隨之興起,其中臉書亦成立於同年2月,並於近年來快速成長為最主要的社群網站之一。依據臉書官方宣布的數據,截至2010年六月止,全球使用者已達五億人;台灣的情況亦不遑多讓,截至2010年11月,臉書用戶數已經激增至760萬人,相當於台灣網路使用者總數的近50%;2011年3月底,台灣加入臉書的人數更逼近一千萬人,而這數字仍在持續成長中。 過去的文獻研究多著重在營利性組織以及非營利性組織(如教育機構)對於臉書社群媒體的使用、認知、動機、經營策略、行銷推廣等層面,並未觸及醫療機構運用臉書社群媒體的探討,本研究另闢新徑,以『醫院』運用臉書社群媒體為研究對象來探討民眾(臉書使用者)使用醫院臉書意願的關鍵因子以及其使用醫院臉書後的就醫選擇之影響,研究結果可以提供醫院管理者參考與採用社群媒體行銷時的借鏡,以達提升醫院經營管理與行銷的目標。 本研究採用修正後之UTAUT模型來探討醫院運用臉書社群媒體之影響,同時輔以具有理論先驗性的結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)的分析。本研究結果發現「外在動機」、「成果期望」、「複雜度」、「主觀規範」及「社會因素」等五項變項對於「使用醫院臉書意願」有正向而顯著的影響;而「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」、「認知行為控制」、「支援系統」等四項變項對於「使用醫院臉書意願」則無顯著的影響;「使用醫院臉書意願」對於民眾就醫選擇「對醫院的信賴」、「優先考量」等二個依變數則有正向而顯著的影響。


From 2004 on, thanks to the Web2.0 internet technology, community websites sprang up constantly. Facebook (FB) was set up in February of the same year and it has become one of the main community website these years by its fast growth. According to the data released by the official FB, by June 2010, its global users mounted up to 500,000,000. The same situation occurred in Taiwan. By November 2010, the FB users in Taiwan climbed to 7,600,000, equal to nearly 50% of the total internet users in Taiwan. By March 2011, the number of using FB in Taiwan has approached to 10,000,000, which kept increasing actually. When it comes to Facebook communities, most of the past literature focused on the profit organizations and the non-profit organizations, like educational institutions, about their using, recognition, motives, operating strategies, marketing, promotion, and so on. It was less discussed about how hospitals use Facebook may carry an influence on consumer evaluation and choice. Therefore, in a brand-new way, this study took Facebook as the research subject to investigate the key factors that Facebook users intended to use the hospital facebook and the influences on their medical care choices after using the facebook. The research results could be provided to the hospital managers as a reference when they want to use Facebook as a marketing tool in expectation to meet the operating and marketing goals. This research adopted the revised UTAUT model to discuss the impacts from the hospitals using Facebook. Simultaneously, the analysis of structural equation modeling with theoretical priori conformation was used. According to the research findings, the five variables, which were “the external motives”, “the expectation to the results”, “the complexity”, “the subjective norm”, and “the social factors”, had significantly positive effects on “the intention to use the hospital facebook”. However, the four variables, which were “recognizable usefulness”, “recognizable easiness to use”, “recognizable behavior control”, and “supporting system”, had no significant effects. Last, “the intention to use the hospital facebook” had significantly positive effects on the two dependent variables, “the reliance on the hospital” and “prioritized consideration”, in the medical care choices.




