  • 學位論文


The Correlation between Interfirm Networks, Business Strategy, Organizational Learning and the Performance of Technology Innovation

指導教授 : 鄭啟均


台灣的中小企業在其經濟發展的歷史中扮演著極為重要的角色,有著不可忽視及抹滅的貢獻,但隨著中國、越南、印度等新興經濟勢力的崛起導致全球經貿環境大幅度的轉變,外貿依存度非常高的台灣因此倍感威脅,此時的台灣其人力成本相對其它新興國家已不再有優勢,一旦在全球市場失去了競爭力,最後只有倒閉關廠的命運了,而惟有技術創新、掌握知識、適時的反應環境才能再造競爭優勢。 本研究從企業網路、企業策略、以及組織學習三個構面去探討其如何影響技術創新績效及其相互之間的關係。企業網路的分析維度為聯結強度、位置中心度、網路規模;企業策略以Miles and Snow(1978)所定義的四種策略:探勘型、防衛型、分析型和反應型策略;而組織學習方面分為探索性學習及利用性學習。透過次級資料的蒐集對個案進行研究,為了增加研究結果的信度,本研究採取雙個案的研究方式並將其資料透過內容分析法來進行分析,從建構類目、確定分析單、編碼最後將分析結果以表格的方式呈現出來從中了解企業網路、企業策略、組織學習及技術創新之間的關係以供未來對此議題有興趣的研究人員及企業做個參考並希望能得到實質上的幫助。


Medium and small sized enterprises of Taiwan have been playing the most important role in the history of its economic development, and have an ever lasting indelible contribution; however, with the rise of China, Vietnam, India, and many other emerging economic groups the global economic and trade environment has been greatly changed. Taiwan relies greatly on foreign trade, and therefore, these changes to a great extent threaten the economics of Taiwan, because it has no longer advantage in manpower cost. Once they lose competitiveness, they have to face factory closures in the end. They have to do technology innovation, refresh their knowledge, and work out corresponding adjustment in order to regain their competitive advantages. This research explores interfirm networks, business strategy, organizational learning, and the relationship among these factors in order to find out how these three factors influence technology innovation. The analysis dimensions of interfirm networks are strength, location central degree, and networks scale; the enterprise strategy is defined by Miles and Snow(1978) into four types, namely prospector, defender, analyzer, and reactioner. Organizational learning includes explorative study and availability study. The case study will be carried out through the collection of secondary documentation. In order to increase the reliability of the research result, a double-case study method and a content analytical method will be adopted to analyze it; the analysis result will be formatted through categorical construction, analysis checklist ascertaining, and coding to understand interfirm networks business strategy, organizational learning and their relations to the technology innovation. This research is provided as a reference for the researchers or enterprises who are interested in this topic, and we hope that it will help。


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