  • 學位論文


The Influence of Customer Relationship Management to Operationals Strategy - A Case of Energy Services Company

指導教授 : 陳家祥


本論文研究主要針對能源服務(ESCO)產業,以個案公司與一家指標性成功案例顧客為實證分析研究對象,整理比較傳統節能產業與能源服務(ESCO)業之差異,並深入探討以顧客關係管理作為經營策略時,如何創造差異化競爭優勢。 傳統的節能產業以產品銷售為導向,而能源服務(ESCO)業則以服務為導向。目前我國的能源服務(ESCO)商業模式多為節能績效保證合約(Energy Savings Performance Contracts),係針對顧客所提之需求,提供全面性的能源技術整合服務,使其節能效率達到一定之保證,並且使用國際節能績效量測與驗證規範( International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol,IPMVP ),確保節能量的精確性、完整性、透明性及一致性,不僅節能績效保證達成,亦受到國際間的認可,更是京都議定書碳排放交易保證價值的工具。 透過本研究可以瞭解到能源服務(ESCO)業的核心技術及產品的多元化,要滿足不同產業能源用戶需求之技術整合服務及IPMVP之量測與驗(Measurement & Verification, M&V)作業,若沒有堅強的專業技術團隊,是無法達成的。因此,透過專業技術人才的培養,經驗知識庫的建立與專案經驗的累積,強化核心競爭能力,利用核心競爭能力創造差異化的競爭優勢。 本研究發現台灣能源服務(ESCO)產業會根據市場變化與客戶需求調整經營策略;能源技術整合服務之優劣會影響顧客關係;能源服務(ESCO)公司以顧客關係管理作為經營策略時,確實能創造差異化競爭優勢。


By focusing on the Energy Service Company (ESCO) industry and taking the case of a leading corporation and its customers as the subjects of an empirical analysis this paper sorts and compares the difference between the traditional energy-saving industry and the ESCO industry, and further explores ways to create a differentiated competitive advantage by taking customer relationship management as a business strategy. The traditional energy-saving industry is product sales-oriented while the ESCO industry is service-oriented. Currently, the ESCO business model in our country is based on Energy Savings Performance Contracts which provide overall energy techniques integration service according to customer demands that guarantee energy saving efficiency. Moreover, it employs International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) to ensure accurate, complete, transparent and consistent energy-saving performance. Therefore, it not only achieves energy-saving performance, but also receives global recognition and provides the tool for insured values in carbon emission trading as stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol. This study can help understand the diversification of the ESCO industry’s core technologies and products. If there is not a strong and professional technical team, it is impossible to achieve the integrated technology service and Measurement & Verification (M&V) of IPMVP that can meet the demands of energy consumers from different industries. Therefore, a differentiated competitive advantage can be created by cultivating professional talents, establishing an experience-based and knowledge- based, accumulation of experience through actual cases, strengthening core competitive ability and using this ability. Based on this study, the ESCO industry in Taiwan will adjust its operational strategies depending on market change and customer demands. Moreover, the quality of integrated energy technology service will affect customer relationship; therefore the ESCO industry can create a differentiated competitive advantage by taking customer relationship as a business strategy.


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