  • 學位論文


The Study of the Ralation of Business Vsion and Customer Relationship Management-A Case on A CCL Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳家祥


當全球或區域化的競爭強迫各企業進入「微利時代」時,台灣企業應如何以「顧客關係管理」來創造高附加經濟價值以及進一步轉型成為客戶暨服務導向的企業模式,勢必將是各企業進入新經濟世代的關鍵。在顧客關係演進的過程中,絕大部份的企業都在摸索如何發展出更穩固、報酬性更佳,以及獲利能力更高的客戶關係。有學者認為任何建立在產品或服務創新上的企業優勢都是短暫的;相反的,與顧客建立長期的關係,才是在變動愈烈的市場中致勝的關鍵。台灣的印刷電路板業至今已歷經三十多年的發展,進入一個相當成熟的產業模式,可說面臨在高科技產業的傳統產業的尷尬階段中,是故我國PCB產業要如何在以顧客導向、滿足顧客需求的競爭下,執行CRM策略,以創造差異化競爭優勢變得相對的重要。 本研究以個案研究方式,對某CCL銅箔基板業者提出以CRM四個關鍵策略:客戶策略、通路策略、產品策略及服務策略,和企業如何以核心價值驅動CRM策略,以實現企業願景做為研究架構並探討其間的關聯性,茲將研究結果摘要如下: 1. 客戶策略:根據現有業務模式與企業目標找出公司想要的客戶。以全球PCB產業之百大業者做為指標客戶,並利用客戶分級管理找出對的客戶與一流的客戶做為企業標竿以實現企業願景之動能。 2. 通路策略:選擇最適當最有效率的通路來與客戶接觸。以“一對一行銷”與客戶建立緊密關係、全球佈局設立“行銷與生產據點”,貼近客戶、快速反應、服務客戶,且為滿足客戶供貨順暢需求,視“供應鏈關係”如同顧客鏈關係與供應商建立良好的合作伙伴關係,這些行動和個案公司實現企業願景「成為世界一流的服務供應商」是正相關的。 3. 產品策略:在行動決策上,以了解市場脈動與客戶互動而做“產品定位”,創造公司的產品價值。並持續“創新研發”新產品,以取得客戶對研發能力及產品的信心。 這些行動策略也是朝向企業願景而努力的相關性。 4. 服務策略: 找出最適當的CRM行動方案來支援重要接觸點與通路爭取合適的客戶與潛在客戶。企業行動策略,聘用熟悉客戶製程的專業“技術服務”人員,以協助提供客戶快速解決方案,並以“即時服務”供貨,同時為了能貫徹服務一致性、正確性,持續提升“落實系統”管理的品質, 使全員參與並以客為尊。 歸納企業推動顧客關係管理、CRM策略,必須先訂定與企業願景、成長目標方向一致的策略,如此所推動執行之CRM策略才能與企業想要留住有價值的客戶、發展潛在客戶,以達成企業最大利益並實現企業願景之夢想與理想。


While the business are forced entering into a “low profit margin” era due to the global acute competition, how Taiwanese enterprises adopt the “CRM” concept to create high added values and transit into a customer and service oriented business mode is crucial. While adopting the CRM concept, majority of the enterprises focused on how to generate stable and higher profits. Some scholars believe any competitive advantage built on the innovation of product or service is impermanent. On the contrary, to establish a long term good relationship with the customers is vital to the success under the current competitive marketing. The PCB (Printed Circuit Board) business in Taiwan has been developing more than 30 years and become a well-developed industry. It is confronting the embarrassed stage of being the conventional industries in the so called “high tech” industries. Thus, it becomes relatively important for the PCB companies to create a differentiated competitive advantage to implement CRM under current fierce competitive environment. The objective of this research is to find out how the CCL (Copper Clad Laminate) case company uses their core value to drive the CRM strategies from various perspectives of customer strategy, positioning strategy, product strategy, and service strategy in pursuing their business vision and discuss the interactions among them. The result of the research is summarized as below: 1. Customer Strategy: Based on the current business modes and the business goal to look for the appropriate customers. Target on the top hundred PCB producers in the world and use the customer classification management to pick up the best customers and set them as the benchmarks and the kinetic energy in pursuing business vision. 2. Positioning Strategy: Select the most appropriate and effective approach to reach customers. Such as establish tight relationship with customer through “one to one sales”; position globally by setting up “sales and production base”, being close to customers; provide best service and reliable supply; and build up good relationship with upstream suppliers. Those programs are all positively in compliance with the corporate vision of “being the first world class service supplier”. 3. Product Strategy: Understand the marketing pulse and the interaction with customers to make a strategic decision on the “product position” and to create more values for customers. Sustain the innovation of new product development to win the customer confidence in manufacturing and new product development capabilities. Those strategic efforts are complied with pursuing business vision. 4. Service Strategy: Apply appropriate CRM action plans to support the key contact and position to reach identified existing and potential customers. In virtue of promoting customer technical services, managing service consistency and high product quality to create an environment that involve entire personnel with “customer first” mindset. This research concludes that the enterprise has to set up the appropriate CRM strategies that are consistent with the business vision and goals so that they can retain the valuable customers and develop the potential customers so as to achieve the highest business profit and accomplish business vision.


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