  • 學位論文


Investigation on Management Style and Customer Relationship of Personalized Coffee Shop – Using Shen Café as an Example

指導教授 : 黃文曄


摘 要 自從1990年代,在國際大型連鎖咖館相繼進駐臺灣及國內連鎖咖啡館陸續成立,讓咖啡不僅成為現代人生活主要飲品,喝咖啡更成為現代人新文化的象徵。在大型連鎖咖啡館的推波助瀾之下,許多富有個人強烈風格的個性化咖啡館如雨後春筍般崛起,不僅發展各具特色,還隨著城市居民的生活方式在大街小巷蔓延開來,點綴著城市的咖啡地景。個性化咖啡館不同於大型連鎖咖啡館強調的一致化與制式化,反而每一家個性化咖啡館呈現獨一無二的風格,並透過其獨特經營風格吸引認同其風格的族群,而個性化咖啡館經營風格如何形塑成為一個很值得探討的方向。此外,由於個性化咖啡館的營業面積不大與工作人員不多的特性,甚至接待者往往就是經營者,因此個性化咖啡館相較於連鎖咖啡館較能與客人建立如朋友般的顧客關係。不過近幾年隨著喝咖啡的人口不斷增加,不僅大型連鎖速食業者看準國人喝咖啡文化形成而積極搶攻國內咖啡市場,連鎖便利超商也看準此商機加入這場咖啡大戰,因此個性化咖啡館的經營面臨了強烈的挑戰。在面臨大型連鎖咖啡館與便利超商平價咖啡的夾擊下,個性化咖啡館如何經營他們的顧客關係,亦或者原有如朋友式的顧客關係管理能否繼續獲得消費者青睞,值得進一步探討。 本研究採質化研究方法,透過平時在研究個案場域中觀察、談天、一次正式訪談及五大人格特質量表的評量,探討個性化咖啡館經營風格之形塑與顧客關係管理的現狀,此外並對個案之長期顧客施以五大人特質量表評量與消費者特徵資料表填寫,以瞭解個性化咖啡館與顧客之間存在的配適關係。 研究結果發現,個性化咖啡館的經營者因其人格特質、理念價值觀、專業知能、空間的規劃、顧客互動的模式來創造其經營風格,並吸引具有類似特質、偏好及認同其經營風格之族群。顧客關係管理的模式,在消費者越來越重視服務品質的現今,維持朋友般的主顧關係下,因隨著營運的範圍增加與員工數的增加,導入系統化的管理觀念,建立更緊密的主顧關係與提供最適切的服務。


Abstract Since the 1990s, large international coffee shop chains have been stationed in Taiwan one after another while various domestic coffee shop chains are also established successively. Not only coffee has become the major beverage in modern people’s life, drinking coffee has turned into the symbol of a new culture. With the influence and help from large coffee shop chains, many personalized coffee shops that have strong personal styles have mushroomed. In additional to having characteristic styles, personalized coffee shops have been opened in streets and alleys according to the lifestyle of the city residents to beautify the city’s coffee landscape. Personalized coffee shops are different from large coffee shop chains that emphasize on consistency and standardization. The unique style of a personalized coffee shop is created based on the coffee shop owner’s personality traits, conceptual values, management strategies and interactions with customers. Through the management style, targets that recognize the particular style are attracted to the coffee shop. Because the area of the coffee shop is small and there is only a few service staff, for which the service staff is often the owner, it is easier for personalized coffee shops to establish friendship-like customer relationship as compared to coffee shop chains. During the last few years, as the number of coffee drinkers increased, large coffee shop chains saw the formation of coffee culture in Taiwan and are aggressively vying for the domestic coffee market. Convenience store chains also saw the business opportunity and are entering the coffee war. As a result, the owners of personalized coffee shops are facing a difficult challenge. However, after reviewing Japan and countries in Europe where the development of large coffee chains is mature, many coffee shops with unique management styles are still packed with crowds of customers. From this, it is proved that personalized coffee shops are quite attractive to some consumers. Qualitative research method was applied in the research. Through observation, casual chat, one-time formal interview and the Five Factor Model assessment conducted in the targeted coffee shop on normal occasions, the formation of the personalized coffee shop’s management style and the current customer relationship management status were discussed. Moreover, long-term customers of the targeted coffee shop were invited to participate in the Five Factor Model assessment and fill in the consumer characteristic chart in order to understand the fit relationship between the personalized coffee shop and the customers. From the research result, it was found that owner of the personalized coffee shop created the management style based on personality traits, conceptual values, professional knowledge and skills, space planning and interactions with customers and attracted customers with similar traits and preferences who recognized the management style. In terms of the management of customer relationship in the times where consumers value service quality more and more, systematic management concept should be introduced to maintain friendship-like agency-client relationship as the management scope expands and the number of staff increases to establish closer agency-client relationship and provide the most appropriate services.


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