  • 學位論文


The Effects of Diffusion Channels on Information Usage – The Case Study of Chishan Digital Opportunity Center

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


「數位機會中心」(Digital Opportunity Center,簡稱DOC)是教育部落實「創造偏鄉數位機會推動計畫」的執行方案。目的在於提升民眾應用電腦能力與上網率來縮減城鄉數位落差,然而在實務中,要如何落實政府所期望縮減的社會與城鄉間數位落差,並在一個封閉社區中將資訊擴散,使人們願意接受與近用新科技並有良好的使用成效則是本文主要的研究方向。 本研究主要以旗山DOC為例,探討DOC在資訊技能的推動過程中,是以何種擴散管道影響當地居民並使其加入DOC?不同時期進入的DOC學員,受何種擴散管道影響最深?不同擴散管道、早晚期接受者與個人社經地位對資訊使用成效有無差異性?研究發現結果如下: 一、人際互動對早期接受者有較高影響力,網際網路對晚期接受者有較高影響力。 二、女性、中高年齡且教育程度低者容易受人際互動影響,教育程度高則對網站訊息有較高的接受度。 三、人際互動是影響旗山DOC學員資訊使用成效的重要因素。


"Digital Opportunity Center" (called for short as DOC) is the Ministry of Education’s program, in order to implement the program of "The Create Digital Opportunity for Rural Areas Project". The purpose is to enhance the public’s computer capabilities and Internet access rate, reducing the urban-rural digital divide. However, how to implement the Government expects, diffusion information in a closed community, push people willing to access new technology, and have good usage is this paper's research. This study is mainly for Chishan DOC, researching in which diffusion channels could effect local residents and make them join DOC? Which time’s students were deeply influences? And what effects of diffusion channels on information usage? The results of research are summarized as below: 1. The diffusion channels of Interpersonal interaction have higher influence on early adopters, and internet have higher influence on late adopters. 2. Female, middle-aged and low levels of education are susceptible to interpersonal influence, high level of education have a higher acceptance on website information. 3. The most important of factors for Chishan DOC on information usage is Interpersonal interaction.


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