  • 學位論文


Analysis of the carbon footprint of medical institutions: A case study on the hemodialysis treatment

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


氣候變遷對人類社會造成的影響巨大,減緩溫室氣體排放量已經成為當今最重要的課題,相較於「成本」「利潤」等議題,「環境保護」、「永續發展」對企業來說是更重要迫切的問題。有鑑於此,本研究擬從血液透析流程著手,參考國際標準組織提出生命週期評估方法衡量血液透析流程的碳足跡。本研究以基層醫療診所的血液透析中心為分析對象,評估血液透析治療服務流程的碳足跡,調查與盤點各項相關數據,透過計算碳足跡具體過程的評估以了解此溫室氣體對環境與資源的衝擊,並針對可能改善之處提出具體的建議,以期能降低溫室氣體排放量,節省組織機構成本善盡社會責任。 血液透析流程分為前端原料來源(包括院外提供血液透析耗材的廠商、病患到達診所的交通方式)、使用過程(院內進行血液透析過程)、廢棄物處理回收三個階段。從兩家個案醫院的研究結果發現,血液透析流程的碳足跡主要集中在院內的使用過程,包括病患搭乘電梯習慣、以及血液透析機器設備消耗能量所產生的碳排放量。前端原料來源與廢棄物回收處理兩階段,其最大的碳排放量來源則是病患往返診所產生的碳足跡。如果要降低血液透析流程的碳足跡,本文建議可從上游儀器設備廠商著手,鼓勵其進一步創新改善血液透析設備的效能,在不影響運作品質的前提下研發耗電量更低的機種。 最後,從本文個案研究結果也發現:醫療診所若能提供誘因讓病患選擇更低碳環保的交通方式,將可有效降低血液透析過程中的碳足跡。在院內環境的規劃設計部分,盡量把血液透析室安排在較低樓層,並且鼓勵病患多走樓梯,甚至是限制電梯使用的人數與時間,也能有效降低電梯不當使用導致能源過度消耗所產生的碳足跡。研究顯示醫療診所能透過妥善的規劃與適當政策有效降低血液透析流程的碳足跡。


The climate change has significantly impacts on human society which makes reducing greenhouse gas emissions an important issue. For enterprises, "environmental protection" and "sustainable development" are more important and urgent than “cost” and “profit”. Starting from the hemodialysis process, this study proposes a life-cycle assessment methods, which basing the international standard, to measures the carbon footprint of hemodialysis. I will examine the city-level hemodialysis centers to analyze and assess the process of hemodialysis treatment carbon footprint, collect the relevant data and then calculate the carbon footprint statistics to understand the impact of greenhouse effect on the environment and resources. I will conclude by proposing some recommendations on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which might save the cost and help the enterprises to take the social responsibilities. Hemodialysis process is divided into front-end source of raw materials (including hemodialysis suppliers , the patient’s transportation between hospital and homes), the process of using (the hospital dialysis process in the hospital), waste treatment and recovery stages. Case studies from two hospitals illustrate that the carbon footprint of hemodialysis process is related to the activities in the hospitals, including the frequency of taking elevators as well as the carbon emissions from the hemodialysis machines. In front-end source of raw materials and waste recycling , the carbon emissions mainly comes from the patient’s communication to and from the clinic. If you want to reduce the carbon footprint of hemodialysis process, you can encourage the suppliers of equipments to further innovate and improve the performance of hemodialysis equipment without affecting the quality of the operation. Finally, this case study also found that: if the medical clinic can provide incentives for patients to choose more environment-friendly and low-carbon ways of communications, they can effectively reduce the carbon footprint in hemodialysis process. As for the planning and designing of the hospital, putting dialysis rooms in the lower floors, encouraging patients to walk stairs, or even limiting the number of people and time of using elevators can effectively reduce the inappropriate use of the elevator leading to excessive consumption of energy generated by carbon footprint. Studies have shown that medical clinics can effectively reduce the carbon footprint of the process of hemodialysis through proper planning and appropriate policies.


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3. 行政院環境保護署網站http://www.epa.gov.tw/


