  • 學位論文


Recycling and Disposal Policies of Industrial Waste with Nonlinear Recycling Rate

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


現實生活中多數的製造工廠缺乏處置事業廢棄物的裝置,因此大多委託專業的回收中心負責清運與回收工廠內的廢棄物。而一般的回收處理及產出型態中,均假設回收率為固定常數,即單位時間所能夠回收再利用物質是固定的,但現今許多產業,像是部份印刷電路板、半導體等產業,這類化學製程其回收率會隨著處理時間的增長而逐漸下降,即回收時間越長可得到有價值的回收物越少,因此回收時間越長對於回收物取得的邊際效益會越低且反而造成產能的浪費,因此本研究於綠色供應鏈體系中,主要針對具有非線性回收率性質的廢棄物,制定一套有效率的回收清運策略。探討應如何制定工廠與回收中心之間最佳清運週期,使雙方皆可在有效率的時間內得到最大利潤;以及探討如何使用回收策略於多工廠的廢棄物回收上有顯著的效益。 本研究的系統由單一工廠單一回收中心與多間工廠單一回收中心所組成,並藉由模式一單一工廠單一回收中心系統找出相關儲存區的成本、利潤與最佳週期,再擴充為模式二多工廠單一回收中心系統,再針對模式二中決策者有各間工廠與回收中心,發展出兩種回收策略,分別為各別式回收策略、整合式回收策略。並建構數學公式利用搜尋法求算最佳回收週期以達到系統的總相關成本最小化及系統總相關利潤最大化之目的。經過實驗結果分析,多工廠系統中,無論工廠數量差異與工廠間規模大小差異,整合式回收策略皆可以使回收中心得到較佳的整合效益,且發現製程回收上線與製程回收率指數對回收中心而言,整合式策略效益較大。最後針對系統中影響非線性回收物收益的因子,工廠年總廢棄物數量、回收物定價、與製程回收率上限與反應速率指數,以及多工廠系統中工廠數量及工廠間規模的差異進行敏感度分析,以提供企業經營管理參考之用。


Most manufacturing plants lack proper equipment for handling industrial waste and turn to recycling centers for disposal of industrial waste. Many industrial wastes contain valuable materials and can be recycled through proper processes. It is common to assume that recycling rates are linearly proportional to the process time. However, recycling rates of chemical wastes from industries such as PCB and semiconductor manufacturing are nonlinear. That is, the quantity of valuable material retrieved from waste per unit time decreases as recycling process continues. Apparently, the time length of the recycling process becomes an important factor on the quantity of the recycled valuable material and the profit of the recycling center. This research studies the planning of waste disposal and recycling in a green supply chain with multiple plants. This research considers two systems, one containing a single manufacturing plant and a recycling center and the other one with multiple manufacturing plants. The goal aims at setting optimal cycle time of waste disposal and recycling for cost minimization or profit maximization. In the second system, two recycling strategies, independent recycling strategy and integrated recycling strategy, are studied. Mathematical models are developed and optimal solutions can be obtained using simple search methods. Through the conducted numerical experiments, analytical results and managerial insights are obtained. The findings from this research can serve as valuable reference in management and operation for enterprises.


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