  • 學位論文


Simulation Study of a Building Fire in Sing-Fung Road,Bade City

指導教授 : 林誠興


自盤古開天以來,火的源起見證了人類發展的歷史,讓人類文明的發展越來越進步,但同樣的,也發生了許多讓人所不樂見的火災。隨著日新月異越來越進步,因此火的使用方式,直接或間接造成的火災事故也是與日增加。有部份是人為,有部分是非人為的,但大多數都是使用不當所造成,追根究底最大的因素還是在”人”的因素上 。人為因素又分為兩種,一種為無心,另一種為蓄意,大抵來說,都是因為人類對於火的使用態度所引起的。總歸一句話,縱火所帶來的災害一切都是人為的。 本研究案例起火原因,為兄弟吵架而造成弟弟蓄意縱火,導致二死四傷的慘劇。模擬工具選定美國國家標準局火災實驗室(NIST)所發展之火災模擬軟體(Fire Dynamics Simulator,FDS)火災模擬軟體。期望藉由FDS火災模擬軟體模擬還原當時火場狀況,並研究火場中溫度場、濃度場之分佈與變化,針對不同參數改變來探討相關參數對火場與逃生時間的影響,將分析的結果提供防火工程上做為參考。


場模式 火災 數值分析 FDS


Since the ancient time, the origin of fire has witnessed the history of human development, and more progress in human civilization, but the same, there are also a lot of fire menaces that people doesn’t like to see. With each passing day more and more progress, so the way of fire use, directly or indirectly caused the fire events increasing day after day. Whether the fire event is man-made or not, most of event caused by the improper use of fire, argumentative and the most important factor is the "human" factors. Human factors can be divided into two types, one for the mood, the other is deliberate, probably, depend on human’s attitude when they use the fire. In short, every arson fire is artificial. The fire cause in this case study, as a result of quarreling brothers deliberately set fire to his brother’s house, leading to the tragedy of two dead and four injuries. This study is using FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) software developed by NIST (National Bureau of Standards fire laboratory) for restoring fire scene and to study the distribution and change of the temperature field and concentration field in fire scene, change for different parameters to explore the impact of the parameters on fire and the escape time. The simulation results provide a reference for fire protection engineering.


Filed Model Fire Numerical Analysis FDS


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