  • 學位論文

台北萬華貴陽街公寓 民宅火災模擬驗證研究

The Simulation and Verification for an Apartment Building Fire in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林誠興


台灣在歷年來火災發生的事件中,以住宅型火災發生的比率最高,其中有很多早期的建築物設計已不合時宜,加上有些舊式建築物都有違建的部分,儘管近年來台灣經濟發展迅速,但目前於各鄉鎮市中,仍充斥著許多此類型的建築物,因未做整體規劃改建,電線老舊及電器用品使用不當,再加上街道狹窄與兩旁停滿車輛以致消防車不易進入等問題,一旦火災發生,在台灣居住人口如此密集之情況下,便會造成重大的人員傷亡及財物的損失。 本案例以民國98年台北萬華貴陽街公寓為研究對象,起火戶屋內大多是木造裝潢,且現場為封閉式的樓中樓,對外出入口在五樓大門,一旦發生火災容易造成火災延燒迅速。因此使用「FDS」軟體來分析,透過場模式來模擬火場中之物理現象,探討火場中之熱傳遞現象、煙流、溫度、CO 濃度的變化,並針對火場之主要影響因素,改變各種不同參數,分析火場在各種不同情況下之影響,並期研究成果能對住宅建築物的防火工程上有所參考。


場模式 火災 FDS


Over the years in Taiwan, the highest rate in fire event types is the residential fire, including many of the early building design is outdated, most of such buildings have been built with illegal construction. In recent years, Taiwan's economic development is rapidly, but in the townships, still filled with buildings of this type, without making the overall planning for reconstruction, and the old wiring and improper use of electrical appliances. Besides this, both sides of narrow streets are full of parked vehicles that hindered fire engines from entering to fire site, once the fire broke out, such a dense population condition in resident area, would result in heavy casualties and property losses. This study is taking the apartment fire case which occurred in 2009 on Guiyang Street, Wan Hua district, Taipei city. Fire origin house is decorated with wood material, and like a closed story in the building, external entrance door is on the fifth floor, in the event of a fire it may spread rapidly. This study uses Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) software to analyze the field model for simulating the physical and heat transport phenomena in the fire, such as smoke flow, the upper temperature, CO concentration change. The main factors are used for exploring the effect of various parameters change to the fire scene under different circumstances. The simulation results hope to be helpful for the fire engineering reference in the design of residential buildings


Field model Fire FDS


【16】黃志平,「龍潭透天民宅火災模擬分析」,元智大學機械工程研所熱流組碩士論文,2009 年。
【3】Building and Fire Research laboratory NIST,http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/。
【6】Andrews, R., Jacques, D., Rao, A. M., Derbyshire, F., Qian, D., Fan, X. and Dickey, E. C., “Continuous Production of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes: a Step Closer to Commercial Realization,” Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 303, pp. 467-474, 1999.
