  • 學位論文


A Case Sudy on Kindergarten Marketing Strategies: From the Customer Relationship Management Perspective

指導教授 : 陳家祥


摘 要 本研究主要的焦點在探討幼教園所之行銷策略。研究者從社會人口變遷現象中省思到少子化的議題對於幼教體系的衝擊,從中引發個人對於幼稚園所經營的關注,欲從顧客關係的角度探討幼稚園所之行銷策略,以提升幼稚園所在招生的優勢,減輕少子化對幼稚園所帶來的衝擊。研究的重要性在於透過相關議題的探討,進行邏輯性的思考及分析,以探討幼稚園在面臨學生人數減少的時候其可行的因應策略。 研究者採用個案研究法及質性訪談法,透過家長的觀點來探討幼稚園行銷議題。研究者蒐集個案學校的文史資料,並訪談目前有子女就讀於個案幼稚園之六名家長進行訪談。研究結果發現:一、在幼稚園之經營管理方式之變革上:早期個案學校之問題在於「學校內部行政之問題、行銷招生策略之問題」,因此造成經營不善、招生不佳。個案學校經過重整後,其經營重心改為強調內外部行銷策略之變革。二、幼稚園招生的策略及顧客關係經營之道在於學校重視顧客關係管理,與口碑行銷有相輔相成之作用。三、研究者運用訪談法,從家長的訪談結果中發現受訪者接觸個案學校之主要因素為親友介紹,個案學校之行銷推廣模式為「口碑行銷」。四、整體而言受訪者對個案學校之產品教學服務感到滿意,但對硬體設施認為有待加強。 研究者根據以上結論,提出對未來幼稚園在經營以及行銷策略上之建議及改革,希望透過本研究之深入分析能提供幼稚園所在面對子女數減少的情況下,作為經營管理的參考。


ABSTRACT The main focus of this study is to explore the marketing strategies of kindergarten. I researcher concerned about the declining birthrate issues for the impact of early childhood education system. In order to enhance enrollment advantage of kindergartens, I start to investigate the marketing strategies of the kindergarten from the perspective of customer relationship management. I adopts both case study and interview to collect data. The results showed: 1. The early problems of the kindergarten are "internal administrative” and “bad recruitment marketing strategies." The current emphasis on kindergarten management strategies are both internal and external marketing strategies. 2. The kindergarten emphasis on customer relationship management. 3. The main factors of knowing this kindergarten is by family members or friends introduced. This kind of marketing promotion model is the "word-of-mouth marketing." 4. Overall, the respondents were satisfied with the products of teaching kindergarten, that the facility needs to be strengthened. Based on the above findings, the researcher puts forward some suggestions to improve the enrollment problem.


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