  • 學位論文


A study of Vietnam’s Chinese Novella

指導教授 : 莊雅州


「越南漢文傳奇小說」作爲越南敘事文的奠定者,從阮嶼《傳奇漫錄》的開山之作,越南漢文傳奇小說陸續產生如:《聖宗遺草》、《傳奇新譜》、《新傳奇錄》、《越南奇逢事錄》等著作。阮嶼從越南神話、傳說、民間故事的基礎結合借鑒中國明代瞿佑《剪燈新話》來仿作《傳奇漫錄》,從而奠定了越南傳奇小說的基礎,另外,成爲後來越南傳奇小說作家創作取材的模範,因此《傳奇漫錄》通常被稱爲越南的「千古奇筆」。 「越南漢文傳奇小說」從文學形式角度來看,是借鑒中國唐宋明清傳奇的模型,但在內容上帶有越南本土特色,敘述越南當地人物、事件、背景等等。它不僅具有文學性的價值,而且還具有歷史不可的價值。它很自然地表現社會背景的狀況,並以實人實事作爲小說中的人物、情節,因此深有反映社會的現狀。另外,「越南漢文傳奇小說」深受中國文化、思想的影響,從而在小說中體現出儒、釋、道三家的思想融合及衝擊的狀況。


Vietnam’s Chinese Novella can be regarded as a foundation in Vietnam narrative literature; relevant pieces such as “Truyen Ky Man Luc”, “Thanh Tong Di Cao”, “Truyen Ky Tan Pho”, “Tan Truyen Ky Luc” and “Vietnam Ky Phung Su Luc” are also representing works. Nguyen Du’s “Truyen Ky Man Luc” was composed based on the combination of Vietnamese mythologies, legends, folktales and Ju You’s “Jiandeng Xinhua”, a piece from the Ming dynasty of China. “Truyen Ky Man Luc” achieved the status of being the master piece in the field of Vietnamese literature and further became a reference work for later literatures. Although Vietnam’s Chinese Novella was influenced by the literature of Tang, Ming and Qing Dynasty of China, the contents were mostly about local Vietnamese people, incidents and historical events. It was a piece of literature containing both literary and historical value. In addition, the characters and the contents of Vietnam’s Chinese Novella were all based on true stories; therefore, it was also a work which reflects the social background of the time. Finally, they also revealed the integration and the collision of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism can also be revealed within the piece.


Vietnam Chinese Novella Chinese Novel


陳慶浩、王三慶 編:《越南漢文小説叢刊》(第一輯)。臺北:學生書局,1987。
陳慶浩、鄭阿財、陳義 編:《越南漢文小説叢刊》(第二輯)。臺北:臺灣學生書局出版社,1992。
陳慶浩、鄭克孟、陳益源 主編:《越南漢文小說集成》。上海:上海古籍出版社,2011。
朱雲影 著:《中國文化對日韓越的影響》。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2007。
劉瑛 著:《唐代傳奇研究續集》。臺北:聯經出版公司,2006。
