  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Technology Adoption in Mobile Application - The UTAUT Model Approach

指導教授 : 盧煜煬


隨著智慧型手機及平板電腦等行動裝置的普及,行動應用程式(App)亦隨之崛起,然而,儘管這兩者的發展相輔相成,過往對於科技採用研究仍聚焦在硬體裝置的採用上,對於行動應用程式的採用則相對較少。因此,本研究旨在運用整合性科技接受模型(unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, UTAUT),並考量個人創新性因素,以探索行動應用程式的科技採用影響因素。 本研究抽樣共分兩階段,第一階段主要用原UTAUT模型整合前之八個理論,合計共41個問項之篩選,第二部分則是根據第一階段之結果,在保留構面最大解釋力下,各留下3至4個題項,最終合計共27個問項。本研究以App網路討論區的使用者為研究對象,採問卷調查,利用便利抽樣法前後分別收集772份及649份問卷資料,並利用AMOS軟體進行結構方程模型(structural equation model, SEM)量化分析。 研究結果發現:使用者對App使用意圖之影響因素由高至低排列依序為績效期望、付出期望及社會影響,均達顯著水準,促成條件雖對App使用行為有顯著影響,但相對於使用意圖的影響仍低的許多。此外,在調節效果分析中發現,個人創新性對多條路徑均產生顯著調節作用,而性別、年齡、經驗、系統平台則僅對1~2條路徑有顯著調節效果。 總而言之,本研究建議App開發者應著重於提升使用者對於App之績效期望及預期付出之知覺,並善用行動網路的發達,強化使用者間之互動關係,確切發揮社會影響對App使用之效果,以達到順利推動App之目標。


With the popularity of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, mobile application (App) has grown along with the rise. These two complement each other. However, lots of the technology acceptances research studies still concentrate on the adoption of hardware devices, but the focus on App is relatively less. Therefore, this study aims to realize the factors affecting technology adoption in App. This study bases on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), and also adds in the personal innovativeness (PI) to develop the research framework. The sampling is divided into two stages. First, it’s to filter the items of the questionnaire which come from the eight theories that UTAUT integrated. Second, it’s to reserve 3 to 4 items for each construct from the last stage that could exhibit the most explanation power, and finally 27 items are remianed. This study use questionnaire survey to access the users from App internet forum. By using convenience sampling, I collected 772 and 649 samples respectively and then apply structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the data via AMOS software. The results identify the significant influencing factors, from high to low, for App behavioral intention (BI) are performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE) and social influence (SI). Facilitating condition (FC) is significantly affecting the App use behavior (UB), but with small explanation power. Besides, in the analysis of moderating effect, PI significantly impacts several paths, but gender, age, experience, and operating system have moderating effect only on 1 or 2 paths. In summary, we suggest that App developers should focus on the user perception of App’s PE and EE, and should be aware of the mature of mobile network in order to strengthen the interaction with users. Moreover, extending the effect of SI in App context could assure the App’s success.


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