  • 學位論文


Impacts of Diversification on the Image of Chunghwa Post -An Example on Agential Service and Property Operations

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


摘 要 中華郵政於公司化後為求永續生存,採多角化經營策略,擬定了發展「代售業務」及「資產活化」業務,希望能以「代售商品手續費」、及「資產活化租金收入」挹注營收,以達繳庫盈餘。惟代售業務及資產活化業務是個靈活、多變、有技巧、又多面向的業務,目前經營方式對郵政形象影響為何?是否須調整經營方向?由於文獻中未見相關研究,故本個案透過訪談了解內、外部顧客的想法,並依據訪談結果,歸納出顧客對郵政經營該二項業務之觀感與其對郵政整體形象之影響,並提出下列建議,冀提供相關單位做為規劃策略及執行業務時之參考。 對代售業務之研究建議: 一、業務規劃面(一)重新評估業務經營模式(二)自創商品品牌 (三)尋找更具時尚及更富吸引力之商品代售。 二、業務執行面(一)利用櫥窗設計美化展示櫃,並輔以燈光投射製造效果(二)利用電視牆播放廠商自行預錄之商品解說(三)複雜性商品由廠商自行駐點推銷(四)櫃檯邊放置展示品,便於顧客臨櫃時趨近觀看,製造銷售機會。 對資產活化業務之研究建議: 一、業務規劃面(一)全盤規劃並明確訂定規範(二)方案選擇應以達成中華郵政之願景為價值主張,凡與策略定位不相容之方案即應捨去(三)規劃單位需了解各單位執行之方式並落實考核(四)為免規劃與執行落差,應適時反瞻。 二、業務執行面:與民眾有關之方案應周延考量,如「屋頂出租架設基地台」等。


Abstract: To maintain a sustained operation, Chunghwa Post Office plans to develop two services, agential service and property operation, which would, respectively, generate income via handling charges and rent payment. The nature of these two services are delicate, constantly changing, and requires techniques and wide reaches. As no related documentation currently exists, this study aims to explore the impacts brought about on the image of Chunghwa Post and whether it is necessary to adjust the operation direction. Individual interviews were conducted with internal and external customers, who shared their opinions on the services and the perceived images. The results and recommendations are summarized below: Recommendation on Agential Service: 1. Planning : a. Reevaluate operation methodology b. Create self-owned brands c. Seek attractive goods for consignment 2. Execution: a. Improve the display case with better window designs and lighting b. Use TV walls to play promotional recordings provided by distributors. c. For complicated products, permit distributor onsite selling d. Display samples near glass cases to enable customers see the products. Recommendations for Property Operation Service: 1. Planning: a. Conduct comprehensive planning with clear standards. b. Choose only projects that are in line with Chunghwa Post’s vision; those with different strategies and positioning should be excluded. c. The planning team needs to have a thorough understanding of the implementation of each unit and carry out evaluations. d. Frequently conduct reviews in case there is deviation between planning and implementation. 2. Execution: projects relating to general public’s concerns need to have better consideration, such as roof rental for base station.


Chunghwa Post Diversification


1. 涂維穗(2002),「國政分析-郵政公司化政策評析」,《國家經濟研究委員會》,永續(析)091-016號
2. 鄧嘉玲(2012),「追求持續成長動能」,《哈佛商業評論》, 2月號
3. 麥可.曼金斯,理查.史提爾(2012),「我把策略變績效了」,《哈佛商業評論》,2月號
4. 95年度台灣郵政年報
5. 中華郵政全球資訊網(http://www.post.gov.tw/post/index.jsp)
