  • 學位論文


A Study of employees Retention - A case of I Company

指導教授 : 陳家祥


在二十一世紀員工一直認為是公司最大的資產,尤其是以研發創新為導向的科技業更是如此,本研究之目的在於了解相關留任因素文獻綜整、利用歸因理論歸納員工願意久任的重要原因、再提出建議個案公司管理階層如何留住優秀員工的管理意涵。 本研究採用質性研究方法,利用半結構性的訪談,訪談個案公司十年久任員工10位、五年久任員工6位,根據訪談結果得到員工久任因素,第一名為:薪資。第二名為:與同事良好互動。第三名為:已婚有小孩、與上司良好互動、工作價值觀-成長發展。 根據研究結果發展六項命題如下:命題一:與上司/同事的良好互動的社會支持與工作滿意度有正向之影響、命題二:工作價值觀與工作滿意度有正向之影響、命題三:工作滿意度對有留任有正向之影響、命題四:離家近、已婚有小孩與服務年資等個人屬性對員工留任有正向之影響、命題五:薪資對員工留任有正向之影響、命題六:其他工作機會是工作滿意與留任的干擾變數。 根據研究結果本研究提出以下的建議方案,給個案公司作為未來留才規劃織策略參考:(1) 增加公開激勵的薪酬制度 審視產業薪酬水平; (2) 公司對主管的選擇不得不慎,直屬主管對員工而言等同老闆; (3) 同事相處融洽將有助工作輪調提升久任者工作效率; (3)對應不同工作價值觀,給予不同激勵方式。


Employee is the most important asset in corporation at 21st Century, especially in high-tech R&D-oriented companies, the purpose of this study is to understand: first, the key factors for retention by teasing out the related literatures; second to analyze the retention factor for employee by attribution theory; third, the study is to explore the meaning of their management and propose concrete recommendations in management execution in accordance with the conclusions. This study uses semi-structured interviews with ten members had ever worked for 10 years in I company and six members had ever worked for 5 years. According to the interview, the main findings of retention factors are as followed: First, remuneration; Second, well interact with colleagues; Third, married and have children and well interact with higher-up and work-values of personal growth and development. Based on the findings to develop six propositions are as follows: (1) Well interact higher-up / colleagues of social support has a positive impact on job satisfaction; (2) Work values has a positive impact on job satisfaction; (3) Job satisfaction has a positive impact on retention; (4) Employees’ personal characteristics (closeness to their homes and married and have children and seniority) has a positive impact on retention (5) Remuneration has a positive impact on retention; (6) Other job opportunities as a moderators on retention. According to the above conclusions this study offered the following suggestions, for case company future employee retention strategy which included: (1) They have to enhance the public encouraging satisfaction with pay system and review level of salary in the same Industry; (2) It is very important to commit an appropriate middle-level management since employees think their directly supervisor is the boss. (3) Well interact colleagues could be helpful for job rotation to promoting working efficiency. (4) Provide different motivation methods to different work value.


詹昭雄(2007/05)。台灣高科技業全品質經營力關鍵要素,品質月刊, 43(5)。
A型人格特質理論之探討, 葉彥麟, 網路社會學通訊期刊,55期國立彰化師範大學工業教育與技術研究所


