  • 學位論文


Exploration on the Cross-Selling between Life Insurance and Corporate Insurance

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


台灣保險市場至2009年個人壽險保額每人平均保障僅有79.54萬,遠不及歐美日本等先進國家,更只夠維持2年生活,不能達到保障功能,故台灣保險市場未來成長空間極大。 一直以來壽險業務人員的行銷方式都以個人的「人脈」為客戶主要來源,年輕一輩或人脈有限的業務人員則難以在壽險業生存或長久經營,形成保險公司的人才流失,客戶容易成為孤兒保單,業務人員投入長時間但不易整合客戶資源。 經由企業保險(法人對員工的團體保險、責任保險、產險),以合約方式進行的保障規劃,一來可以讓員工有安定感,達到企業留才的目的;同時團體保險保費較低,可以加強個人保險的不足,更讓壽險業務人員透過固定職團的服務與經營,發展出綿延不斷的個人壽險市場,節省了尋找準客戶的時間及拜訪客戶時不確定的因素,造成績效的不穩定。 本策略在探討:個人壽險之行銷如何可以透過「企業團保」市場的開發,運用策略與戰略行動讓壽險業務同仁在行銷個人保險時可以像銀行理專一樣,擁有大量正確的準客戶資料(團保保戶資料),也可像電話行銷人員直接與客戶對話行銷保險,更能像電視購物向客戶以一對多說明會方式進行保險銷售,最重要的是保戶投保後的權益因有企業團保的合約而多一層把關與保障,保戶不用擔心投保後無人服務,業務人員得以長效發展,保險公司永續經營,創造三贏。




In terms of the insured amount for the life insurance, there is only 0.8 million NT dollars on average in Taiwan, that is far below the levels for those highly developed countries in the world, such as Britain, France, Swiss, Japan or Canada etc. Likewise, to a 4-person family, that amount just can cover the family’s living expense for about 2 years only, that is also far below the standard , 10-year period, in a normal situation. Therefore, the Taiwan insurance industry still has a very large space to grow. Up to now, many insurance Salespersons (also called Life Planner) in Taiwan still rely on their own personal connections to sell policies. This way, to a professional Life Planner, the business opportunity is too rare. Once those personal resources are used up and no more business comes in, he could be forced to leave this job without other choice. That is very pity, for not only the Life Planner itself, but also those concerned consumers or even the entire Taiwan insurance industry. In order to improve this situation, the Corporate Insurance, particularly Group insurance, can be taken into consideration, because of its (1) simplicity, (2) cheaper premium, and (3) wider risk coverage. Besides, the enterprise unit served also can use it to enrich its welfare package, to enhance its corporate image and indirectly to attain the purpose of recruiting and employees retention; meanwhile to the Life Planner, it can make it a stable marketplace and timing to serve customers without “not trusted” problem, because the most difficult first-contact between both sides has already been done by both companies, in a much trust-worthier way. Just because of the establishment of trust, many uncertainties and wastes of time can be avoided in the next follow-up services, and then Life Planners’ performance is raised accordingly. This thesis is to explore how to smoothly do a cross-selling between Life insurance and Corporate Insurance and create a 3-win situation among customers (buyers’ side), insurance company (sellers’ side) and the entire society.


Corporate Insurance


1.「中華民國99年度人壽保險業務統計年報」,ANNUAL REPORT OF LIFE INSURANCE REPUBLIC OF CHINA 2010,財團法人保險事業發展中心(100年5月)編印


