  • 學位論文


Study on the functionalized graphene nanosheets and their photovoltaic performances

指導教授 : 廖建勛


本研究使用改良式Hummer法製備氧化石墨烯(GO)及利用二次氧化方式製備氧化石墨烯,以異氰酸酯經微波輔助的方式改質成SPFGraphene,並與單胺基卟啉合成TPP-NHCO -SPFGraphene 複合材料,以Raman、FTIR、TGA和XRD等分析方法進行結構鑑定與分析。由UV 和FTIR確定TPP-NHCO-SPFGraphene合成成功,由螢光光譜儀分析得知其光學性質由不同激發波長發現具有紅移現象,在420 nm的激發波長激發出黃光,其性質相似量子碳點,由SEM分析發現微結構堆疊情形減少,與施體材料TPP 和P3HT混合發現有很好的quenching現象。組裝P3HT/TPPGO1st混成材進行太陽能電池元件量測,當P3HT混合5% TPPGO1st時有最佳的結果,開路電壓、短路電流、填充因子和光電轉換效率分別為0.47 V、8.50×10-3 mA/ cm2、0.18 和 7.27×10-4 %。


In this study, the graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets and small piece of GO by secondary oxidation were prepared by the modified Hummer’s method. Microwave irradiation was used to synthesize SPFGraphene modified isocyanate. The porphyrin covalently functionalized SPFGraphene termed as TPPGO are characterized by XRD, FTIR, TGA, SEM and Raman analysis for their morphology and structure properties. The TPP covalently functionalized GO is confirmed by the UV and FTIR analysis, and it has excellent optical properties similar to the quantum carbon dots. It reveal that the covalent bonding TPP reduce the stacking of graphene nanosheets by SEM images. As mixing TPP with P3HT, much strong quenching of PL emission indicates a fast energy transfer. The hybrid solar cell devices were fabricated by P3HT blended with TPPGO1st in various content. The obtained device performance in TPPGO1st content of 10% have VOC, JSC, FF and ? of 0.47 V, 8.50×10-3 mA/ cm2, 0.18 and 7.27×10-4 %


graphene porphyrin solar cell hybrid


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