  • 學位論文

建立集團供應商的成功因素探討 -以D公司為例

The Research of the Success Element of Group-Supplier A Case Study on Company D

指導教授 : 徐學忍


過去的台灣曾經以中小企業蓬勃發展感到驕傲,但是近年來我們面對全球化的劇烈競爭,使得台灣的企業必須思考該如何迎接這樣的挑戰?以TFT-LCD產業為討論例,韓國三星電子、LGD等大型企業,具有高度垂直整合策略一步一步攻城掠地,挑戰世界第一寶座,排除韓國政府強力後援企業外不談,以集團為競爭主體果真達到理想的成果; 因此,台灣面板廠便開始從集團內挑選適合對象來擔任偏光板供應角色,適逢D公司也正面臨轉型之際,雙方也樂見合作契機便順勢切入這個產品_偏光板。在發展的過程中A公司也提供很多的資源協助D公司能快速成長並達到穩定供應產能及價格的需求,其中A公司並沒有直接參與經營,但是藉由集團化公司經營模式,在雙方都能接受的條件之下,共同攜手朝未來邁進,並藉由雙方策略供應模式達到關鍵零組件成本下降之目的。本研究主要探討的是以台灣的TFT-LCD集團公司在培養集團供應商初期,是否提供有效且必要資源協助讓其快速成長?或是以中介者的角色,將其它競爭者的技術以直接或間接的方式分享到集團供應商?另外也將探究成立初期,上游供應商的想法及其態度如何?其它既有的競爭者又是如何因應這樣的困境?希望能夠藉由本文的整理提供企業各界案例參考,並思考當面臨類似問題時,可以採取因應對策為何?


The vigorous development of SMEs of Taiwan over the past that we have been really proud of, but the highest competitions in global is so critical we faced recently, forced us to think about how to meet head-on the coming challenge by Taiwan’s company? Based on the TFT-LCD industry, SEC and LGD who is the larger size LCDs maker in Korea, has been built up the advantage of vertical integration in strategic aspect and gradually fight for the first position in the world. We don’t tell that the strong back-up given from Korea’s government, the way in group company base will be the most effective to reach the goal. Therefore Taiwan’s maker has becoming to pick the right person to be a Polarizer Vendor supplied from the group company. Just in time, D company has just had to transfer to new field because of Disk was over-supply, and wonder to see the good chance to entry this industry of Polarizer. In the period of developing, A company has also offer the resources to D company and not only it can raise up the capacity more fast and stable, but also have to submit the lower price. Although A company wasn’t involved the operation of D company, dispensed on the well operation mode with group collectivize, will be able to moving forward and in order to have a cost down benefit in strategy of vertical supply. This article is majorly discussed that the first stage of growing up based on Taiwan’s group company of TFT-LCD, did they ever offer the resources to help D company go more fast? Or transfer the technical to D company made by others directly or indirectly? On the other hand, also explored the how about the attitude come from upstream supply? How to deal with this problem by competitors? I wish that this topic can be used for the reference, especially TFT-LCDs industry through this article and to think about how to solve the problem if we faced.


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