  • 學位論文


The Study of Operating Strategies of Digital Game Industry in Taiwan – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


數位遊戲近年在全球造成一股風潮。國內數位遊戲產業自從80年代發展至今已進入成熟期,廠商家數眾多,但因自行研發遊戲風險較高與國內相關專業人才的不足,使國內廠商多數採取代理國外產品營運的模式獲利,然而國內市場規模有限,在僧多粥少的情況下,只有少數大廠能夠獲利。另一方面,在競爭日漸激烈的環境中,權利金日漸提高,代理營運商的毛利越來越低,但個案公司前年仍在此環境下,展現卓越的獲利能力,驚艷業界。本研究將以個案研究法探討個案公司的經營策略,從蒐集產業資料瞭解當前國內廠商所面臨的機會與威脅,再結合資源基礎觀點探討個案公司的內部優劣勢,最後利用SWOT分析法歸納出使個案公司擁有高獲利的經營策略為何。本研究所得到的結論如下:(1) 個案公司採取自行研發加上海外授權為營利模式;(2) 個案公司的核心競爭力為優秀的研發團隊與海外授權口碑;(3) 數位遊戲產業在各種行動裝置與通訊技術提昇下將更蓬勃發展;(4) 數位遊戲消費族群有擴大的趨勢;(5) 國內數位遊戲主流為電腦線上遊戲。


Digital game has been the unrest to rise in the recent years. Taiwanese industry of digital games now is in the period of maturity, so many firms in this industry but most of them are agent of foreign companies. This kind of business model is because that they are lack of professional software engineers and it is high risk in develop games by their own. On the one side, that makes only few firms profitable from hottest games in this limited market. On the other side, their gross rate becomes lower and lower owing to the higher license fee, but the company in this research shows excellent ability of profitability. What makes this company’s strategies so unique? This research takes case study for research method and tries to discuss its strategies. To find out opportunities and treats, and then combine the company’s strengths and weak by Resource-Based View, in the end, summarize the strategies which makes this company highly profitable by SWOT analysis. There are five concludes: (1) The company license foreign firms and haves their own research and development teams. (2) The company’s core competencies are excellent research productivity and well-known reputation in license. (3) The better technologies of various mobile devices and communications make the development of digital games more vigorous. (4)The popularity of digital games becomes larger. (5) On-line game is the main trend of Taiwan digital games.


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