  • 學位論文


A leader’s Guanxi Networking management in Chinese organization

指導教授 : 陳家祥


差序式領導根據關係親疏、忠誠高低、才能大小,領導者會將組織成員加以歸類,領導者與各類員工間的互動法則,即構成華人組織領導行為的基礎。領導者對各類員工的信任程度與自己人意識是有差別的,而表現出內團體偏差與不同的領導行為。也由於領導者與自己人、外人的互動模式有極大的差異,因此,部屬的工作態度亦將有所不同:對自己人的部屬而言,基於被信賴的理由,較能滋長出感恩懷德的情感,於是不但更願意努力工作,貢獻一己之力,展現良好績效,而且其角色服從性、工作滿足感、及對組織承諾較高。除此之外,也較願意主動從事對組織有益的角色外工作,離職率也相較低;至於外人團體則反之。這種對人力資源的差異管理,使得組織內的資源分配較為合理,而有助於組織效能的提升。其中許多研究結果皆強調信任關係可以藉由降低組織內的交易成本與增進團隊合作,並且有效地協商衝突創造合理交換,進而產生組織領導效能。   然而在本質上,差序式領導者會將部屬區分為自己人和外人,並以不同的方式管理,將差序式領導視為對偶層次的概念,是關注在領導者與部屬個人的連結,卻忽略了自己人和外人部屬均身處於同一團體內的事實,也就是說大多數領導關係研究並沒有涉及其結構維度。而本研究認為領導者不同的關係網絡管理會產生不同的信任關係,進而影響領導效能。   其中藉由質化的個案分析探討何種領導者的關係網絡結構機制有利於組織信任的發展,進而建構相關命題。結果發現三大命題: 命題一:當組織領導者不能動態平衡圈子結構的關係進出,則組織整體信任關係降低。 命題二:當組織領導者不能動態平衡圈子結構內外的利益,則差序式領導易使圈外者積極反抗或消極不配合,進而降低組織信任。 命題三:當組織領導者不能動態平衡情感和工具交換的動機時,過於強調工具交換則難以形成圈子逐步擴大的組織信任,而過於強調情感交換則容易形成派系封閉的信任關係。


差序式領導 圈子 派系 信任


Differential leadership is a specific leadership style whereby leaders would categorize members of organization based on factors such as closeness of relationship, level of loyalty, capacity of talent and so forth for the formation of various principles of interaction between the leader and his various subordinates. Differential leadership is a fundamental leadership behavior in Chinese organizations where leaders demonstrate varying degrees of trust and insider awareness for different types of subordinates, thereby resulting in discrepant and differentiated leadership behavior within the internal organization. Since leaders of differential leadership display substantial difference in their models of interaction with insiders and outsiders, their subordinates would naturally show different attitudes towards work. For subordinates deemed as insiders, due to the trust they were given, they are more likely to cultivate sentiments of gratitude and appreciation for their superior and therefore more inclined to work harder to contribute and perform well. In addition, they also exhibit higher degree of role submissiveness, work satisfaction and commitment to the organization. Not only that, these employees would be more willing to take the initiative to assume roles that benefit the organization with relatively lower likelihood of turnover. The opposite applies to employees belonging to the outsider group. Such differentiated management of human resources allows for more reasonable allocation of resources within the organization and could facilitate improvement in organizational efficacy. In fact, many researches in the past placed great emphasis on the notion that the strengthening of trust relationship between leaders and their subordinates could lower transactional costs within the organization, facilitate team cooperation and ensure effective mediation of conflicts for reasonable exchanges, thereby leading to organizational leadership efficacy. Nonetheless, leaders who believe in differential leadership would separate their subordinates into the “insider” and “outsider” groups and manage them in distinctively different manners. The perception of differential leadership as a dyadic level concept focuses on the connection between leaders and individual subordinates and overlooks the fact that leaders, their “inside” and “outside” employees all belong to the same organization. In other words, most studies on leader relationships did not cover the dimension of organizational structure. And this research is proposing the notion that different relationship network management styles adopted by leaders would lead to varying trust relationships, which in turn will affect their leadership performance. Three propositions on the subject have been constructed based on the analyses of qualitative case studies to determine the type of leadership relationship network that would facilitate the development of trust in organizations, namely: Proposition I: Overall organizational trust relationship would deteriorate when the leader is unable to dynamically balance the structure of subordinate circles. Proposition II: Differential leadership could lead to active resistance or passive non-cooperation from the outsiders, thereby leading to decreased organizational trust when the leader is unable to dynamically balance the interests of the circle structure. Proposition III: When a leader is unable to dynamically balance the sentiments and motives of instrumental exchange, overemphasis in instrumental exchange would hamper the development of organizational trust as the circle expands. On the other hand, overemphasis in sentimental exchange could easily lead to the fostering of closed trust relationship of factions.


differential leadership circle faction trust


Liang, S. M. (1983). The Comparison between Chinese and Western cultures. Taipei: Li-Ren Publishing House. (In Chinese)
