  • 學位論文


A Low Power Cascaded Multicasting Architecture for Test Data Compression

指導教授 : 曾王道


在本論文中,我們提出了一個針對測試資料壓縮的低功率串接多點傳送架構(cascaded multicasting architecture)。此架構只需使用簡易的控制元件與少量的額外硬體成本,即可達到較高的測試資料壓縮比率與低功率消耗。此架構利用相容性分析(compatibility analysis),作掃描鏈(scan chain)的排序,以便降低廣播(broadcast)的次數。之前研究的串接多點傳送架構,為記錄該次廣播第一個掃描鏈的地址,此架構我們修改為記錄相鄰廣播的第一個掃描鏈的位址差值。如此一來,可使用更少的控制位元來控制每次廣播時的第一個掃描鏈的位址。除此之外,我們為了大幅降低傳送到掃描鏈的測試資料量,採用了部分資料重複使用的方法[18]。實驗結果顯示,我們提出的低功率多點傳送架構,使用了較少的硬體成本,即可達到比以前的研究高的資料壓縮比率。且此架構合成所需的時間也較之前的研究來的低。功率消耗方面與萬用型群體廣播式掃描鏈測試架構(universal multicasting scan test)比較,可達到與其相同的效果。


In this thesis, we propose an enhancement of cascaded multicasting scan (CMS) architecture with simple control logic and low hardware overhead for test data compression and low power. The enhanced CMS relies on test pattern compatibility analysis in order to determine the scan chain order to minimize the number of broadcasts. Instead of specifying the address of the first scan chain that will receive the test data in each broadcast, enhanced CMS records the difference address of the first scan chain between neighbor broadcasts using less control bits in each broadcast on n-scan chain architecture. In addition, the volume of data which is sent into scan chains in a broadcast is largely reduced via method of partial data reuse [18]. Experimental results show that with smaller hardware overhead enhanced CMS achieves a compression effect larger than that attained by previous work on multicasting scan. The runtime for synthesizing an enhanced CMS architecture is also much smaller than that used by previous work.


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