  • 學位論文

自Serratia marcescens醱酵之水∕甲醇溶液中吸附回收與純化靈菌紅素

Adsorptive Recovery and Purification of Prodigiosin from Water/Methanol Solutions of Serratia marcescens Fermentation Broths

指導教授 : 莊瑞鑫


本論文藉著靈菌紅素(Prodigiosin)之疏水特性,以不同甲醇溶劑比和大孔性吸附樹脂Amberlite XAD、Diaion HP、Sepabeads SP系列及陰離子型交換樹脂Amberlite IRA系列,於醱酵處理液中分離純化抗癌物質靈菌紅素,並以pH和溫度為變因,找出吸附與脫附之最佳條件,提升其純度,且討論樹脂重複使用性以及探討其吸附熱力學模式與固定床之軸向擴散係數(Axial dispersion coefficient, Daxl)和貫穿曲線(Breakthrough curve)。實驗結果顯示,甲醇溶劑比上升使吸附量下降,綜合其吸附量及脫附百分率得到最佳樹脂為HP-20。將HP-20進行四次吸脫附,其平衡吸附量由17.96#westeur024#10-4 mol/g微降至16.68#westeur024#10-4 mol/g,顯示其重複使用性良好。靈菌紅素醱酵液前處理後,經由吸脫附,純度提高8.75倍。以Langmuir和Freundlich恆溫吸附模式之線性迴歸分析,說明樹脂吸附靈菌紅素較符合Langmuir恆溫吸附模式,將其代入Van’t Hoff方程式可獲得熱力學參數ΔH0=-1.78 kJmol-1、ΔG=-21.5~-22.9 kJmol-1、ΔS=68.44~68.51 Jmol-1K-1為物理自發性放熱反應。探討靈菌紅素於固定床之吸附現象,將45%甲醇水溶液之HP-20固定床,使用滯留時間分布法(Residence time distribution, RTD)得到軸向擴散係數1.5~7.2#westeur024#10-7 m2/s,說明靈菌紅素適用於HP-20固定床進行吸附,不易造成混流;並以動態吸附容量(Dynamic binding capacity, DBC)方程式,計算動態吸附容量達10%貫穿Q0.1與批次吸附量Qs之比值(Q0.1/Qs),討論床高、流速、濃度對於固定床之影響。期盼以低汙染醱酵及高效能吸附大量回收純化天然抗癌物質靈菌紅素。


靈菌紅素 樹脂 吸附 醱酵 熱力學 固定床


The purpose of the study is to explore separation and purification of anticancer prodigiosin from fermentation broths by using different methanol solvent ratio and macroporous resin Amberlite XAD, Diaion HP, Sepabeads SP series, and the anion exchange resin Amberlite IRA series for hydrophobic prodigiosin. To enhance its purity by discovering its optimum condition of adsorption and desorption, the effects of adsorption namely methanol solvent ratio, resin type, temperature, and pH along with the model of adsorption thermodynamics were studied. Then discuss the axial dispersion coefficient (Daxl) and breakthrough curves in the fixed bed. The results suggest that the adsorption capacity decreased as the methanol solvent ratio increased. Daion HP-20 was derived from combining the adsorption capacity and the desorption ability. Next, it reused HP-20 four times for adsorption and desorption and it found out the equilibrium adsorption capacity decreased from 17.96 to 16.68 (10-4 mol/g). It demonstrated the good quality of reuse. The purity of fermentation broths through the adsorption-desorption increased 8.75 times. The results also show that the adsorption isotherms fitted the most by the Langmuir isothermal model from the semi-reciprocal plot analysis, thus, the Langmuir isothermal was applied to Van't Hoff equation to obtain thermodynamic parameters ΔH0 = -1.78 kJmol-1, ΔG = -21.5~-22.9 kJmol-1, ΔS = 68.44~68.51 Jmol-1K-1 for the physically spontaneous exothermic reaction. In order to explore the phenomenon of liquid phase adsorption of breakthrough curves. HP-20 in 45% MeOH of the fixed bed use residence time distribution (RTD) to obtain axial dispersion coefficient 1.5~7.2#westeur024#10-7 m2/s, illustrate HP-20 of the fixed bed wasn’t cause interflow apply to adsorption prodigiosin. Discuss the effect of bed height, flow rate, and concentration in the fixed bed using dynamic binding capacity (DBC). To evaluate the ratio of prodigiosin at 10% breakthrough (Q0.1) to the static adsorption amount (Qs), (Q0.1/Qs). Hope the large-scale separation and purification of anticancer prodigiosin by using low-pollution fermentation and high efficiency adsorption.


Prodigiosin Resin Adsorption Fermentation Thermodynamics Fixed bed


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