  • 學位論文


Stride-Interval analysis equipment design

指導教授 : 謝建興


現今社會邁入老年化社會,醫療上面用來復健和評估健康的儀器更為普遍,從觀察上發現年紀越大的老年人,一直以來跌倒總是會讓人避之唯恐不及,尤其發生在老年人身上會造成更大的傷害,老年人在平衡感方面都有老化的現象,引發我想對步伐訊號深入做研究,針對步伐分析裝置設計我做了三項實驗。 分別在實驗的鞋子裡面/外面加裝 1.導電纖維材質: 利用導電纖維材質的線縫在鞋墊裡 ,以電壓方式輸出再做分析,實驗結果發現感應很差,所以得到的實驗數據都是用手大力按壓才能感應到,無法使用在步伐分析裝置設計上面,所以又做 2.加速計的實驗: 以市面所做的加速計(又稱加速針、重力加速度感測器)做比較,其中加速計是以電壓方式輸出,偵測了7位受測者做比較。但是因為加速計體積較大,所以攜帶與使用上較不便利,而且成本也較高,所以又做了壓力感測片的實驗 3. 壓力感測片: 將壓力感測片放進鞋子裡,利用A/D卡傳輸數據資料,連接到電腦上做數據分析,並且藉由程式分析並畫出圖形以呈現出可以加以判斷的數據,以供使用者和醫療者去做評估。 本文提供了許多實驗者的實驗數據和分析結果,在測試方式上面也分為許多不同的層面,例如不同的步伐測試、不同的走路型式,這將有助於程式的改良與除錯,也將大大降低了實驗上的數據誤差。現今社會中越來越多人更加重視自己的健康,在防範勝於治療的社會裡,輔助醫療儀器將是未來的重大發展之一,現在市面上已出現許多醫療儀器是專門用來協助醫生以幫助病患復健的小幫手,我們的實驗也將朝著這個目標前進。


老年化 跌倒 平衡 數據 圖形 防範勝於治療


The society is becoming old now, medical instruments used for rehabilitation and health assessment of are more generally. From observation, the fall has been always a big challenge for the elderly. It causes more damage in the elderly particularly. The elderly have a degradation phenomenon in the sense of balance. Hence, we would like to do in-depth research for Stride-Interval analysis equipment design. I did three experiments which were associated as Stride-Interval analysis equipment design. I did the first experiment (i.e., conductive fiber material experiment). Firstly, we installed the conductive fiber material inside shoes, sewed to the insole and caught the output voltage signal. The experimental results showed that the sensitivity is poor and the experimental data were needed via hand vigorously pressing it. So it can’t be used for Stride-Interval analysis equipment design. So I did the second experiment to compare with the first experiment. The second experiment is accelerometer experiments. We use the market accelerometer to do Stride-Interval analysis equipment design. The output signal of accelerometer is voltage mode. But it has two disadvantages. The first one is that it is not convenient to carry and use due to the accelerometer is larger. The second one is that it is expensive. So we finally tried to do the third experiment. The third experiment is pressure sensing chip experiment. We install pressure sensing chip into the shoes and transfer data to computer via the A / D card to do analysis. Then I draw the graphics via program to show the data which can be judged and also the graphics can be provided for users and medical to do assessment. The thesis provides several experimental data and analyzes several experiments results. We did experiment in many different ways. For example, experiment in different sensing materials and different types of walking. This is helpful to improve and debug program, also greatly reduce the error of the experimental data. In the modern society, there are more and more people pay more attention to their own health. The prevention is better than cure. Therefore, the auxiliary medical instruments will be one of the major developments in the future. Our experiments will also go forward toward this goal.


Aging Fall Balance data graphics The prevention is better than cure


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