  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 李弘暉


關係行銷與關係強度對醫師處方行為之研究 學生:張承元 指導教授:李弘暉 元 智 大 學 管 理 研 究 所 中文摘要 隨著全民健保實施,醫療費用持續上漲,政府財政負擔日益加重,至民國98年中央健保局財務統計指出已累計有295億新台幣虧損。從另一方面來看,西藥產業為特許行業,整個產業從研發、製造到行銷不同於其他行業,在台灣處方藥品市場的特性明顯不同於一般的商品或服務的市場模式。藥品市場的特性為目標客戶是在醫院或診所裏從事診療服務的醫師,看病時由醫師診斷、處置及開立處方籤,病患再持處方籤至藥局領藥。病患手中處方籤的內容完全來自於醫師的專業與理性的判斷,雖然病人才是真正的藥品使用者,但是藥品的選擇權卻在醫師手中。本研究主要目的是想要了解在目前全民健保實施的體制下並且符合IRPMA藥品市場行銷規範,藥廠與醫藥代表的行銷模式對醫師處方行為的影響。整個研究目的歸納以下三點: 1.藥廠的何種關係行銷模式最能影響醫師處方行為 2.醫藥代表的何種關係強度行為最能影響醫師處方行為 3.關係強度是否能加強關係行銷的品質 關鍵字:關係行銷、關係強度、處方行為


EFFECTS OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING AND RELATUONSHIP STRENGTH TO PHYSICIAN’S PRECRIPTION DECISION PROCESS Student:Cheng-Yuan Chang Advisors:Dr. Hong-Hung Lee Submitted to Graduate School of Management Yuan-Ze University ABSTRACT After the National Health Insurance (NHI) program was put into practice, the medical expenses incurred by NHI scheme have been growing every year, which increases the financial burden to the government. According to the statistics provided by the Bureau of National Health Insurance in 2009, on the accrual basis, NHI program shows a net loss of NT29.5 billion since its implementation. From another aspect, licensing plays a major role in the highly-regulated pharmaceutical industry. The R&D, manufacturing and sales processes in the pharmaceutical industry are not the same as those in other industries. Specifically, the prescription drug market in Taiwan is quite different from that of normal goods and services. Instead of the patients, the "target customers" in the prescription drug market are those physicians or other medical practitioners in the hospitals or in the clinics. Along the diagnosis process, a physician writes or issues a prescription to the patient. The patient subsequently brings that prescription to a pharmacist in order to obtain drugs. The contents of the prescriptions held by the patients are determined by the professional and rational analysis from the physicians. Even though the patients are the "end-user" of the medicine, it is the physicians who make the choice of which drugs to use. The main purpose of this research is to find the effect of marketing strategies --- from a pharmaceutical company and its sales specialist governed by current NHI system and regulations from IRPMA -- upon the prescription behavior of a physician. The whole research tries to conclude the following three points: 1. Which strategy in relationship marketing from a pharmaceutical company is the most effective practice over the physician's prescription decision process? 2. What kind of relationship strength (between a physician and a sales specialist of a pharmaceutical company) has the most influence over the prescription behavior of a physician? 3. Whether the relationship strength can improve the quality of relationship marketing. Keywords: relationship marketing, relationship strength, physician prescription decision proces


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