  • 學位論文


A Study of Models for the Promoting of Community Senior:A Case Study of Tao-yuan County

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


本研究旨在探討高齡化社會來臨時,如何因應社會環境變遷,提供優質的社區老人教育服務,並建構社區老人教育標竿模式。本研究採質化研究之焦點團體座談法及深度訪談法,以桃園縣為研究範圍。焦點團體座談共舉辦兩場,第一場次以供給者為對象,共有13位參加;第二場次以需求者為對象,共有11位參加;深度訪談則訪談7位,總計本研究樣本數共31位。本研究結果為:就「供給者」立場來看,合法性最重要,政策、制度化及資源對老人教育推展均有相當程度之影響,但也要避免過度受制度化的影響,而造成組織僵化失去運作之彈性,並瞭解資源供需,讓機構自主發展,減輕對資源依賴程度,創造辦學特色,才能永續發展;就「需求者」角度來看,老人參與教育課程,可有效延續既有之社會關係、協助其退休後生活適應與規劃,並融入現代化社會生活模式,達到自我實現與在地老化之目標。本研究亦建構出桃園縣老人教育標竿模式,以5A’S作為供需雙方的溝通平台,在供給者方面必須具有學習需求調查評估來規劃課程,提供老人學習成就認證,整合相關資源,建立管理制度;在需求者方面必須收費合理,上課地點需交通便利,具有適當場地設施,並培養學生擔任志工,以及藉由行動教室及活動辦理,減少城鄉資源的學習差異,才能永續經營發展。本研究亦提出相關建議,希望政府提高老人權責機關之位階,成立專責機構,及協助成立老人教育機構之全國性組織,作為民間高齡教育推動溝通之平台,最後希望政府重視城鄉資源差距之問題。 關鍵詞:老人教育、高齡化社會、社區、制度化、資源依賴


This study investigates how the society shall respond to social transformation incurred by an aging society by providing good-quality community senior education service and standardizing the benchmarking model for community senior education. Methods adopted in this study include Focus Group Method and In-depth Interview method from the qualitative research, while the scope of the study is limited to Tao-yuan County. Focus Group Method seminars were held twice, with 13 suppliers participating in the first seminar and 11 requesters in the second. 7 participants were interviewed by In-depth Interview Method. Consequently, there are totally 31 sample cases for the study. The conclusions of the study can be summarized as the following. From the point of view of suppliers, legality is the primary concern. While the promotion of senior education is considerably influenced by policy, institutionalization and resource, impact resulted from over-institutionalization must be avoided so as to maintain the flexibility of the proper function of the system. The supply and demand of resources must also be fully understood to enable the institute of senior education to develop autonomy with less resource dependence and richer educational features so that a sustainable development model can be developed. From the point of view of requesters, participating in senior education program may not only help senior citizens to maintain their established social relationships, adopt to and plan for their life after retirement, but may also enable them to be integrated in the modern society and to realize personal goals of self-realization and aging in place. This study also attempts to standardize the model for senior education in Tao-yuan County, taking 5A’s as the communication platform for both suppliers and requesters. Suppliers must offer programs based on an assessment of the investigation of local need for learning, provide every senior participant with a learning achievement certificate, combine related resources and set up management systems. To pursue a sustainable development, requesters must demand a fair charge of tuition, a convenient accessibility to the classroom, installment of applicable study facilities, the opportunity of learning to be volunteers, and the reduction of urban-rural divide in learning resources by conducting activities such as moving classrooms and other events. In addition, the study also attempts to provide the government with several proposals. First, the government must upgrade the level of central authority in charge of senior citizens. It must also establish a senior citizen institution and assist in the orchestration of a national organization of senior education that will serve in the future as the communication platform for the promotion of senior education in every community. Lastly, the study calls for the government’s attention to the serious issue of urban-rural resource gap. Keyword: senior education, aging society, community, institutionalization, Resource dependence


