  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Research of Consumer Behavior on Choosing 3G Telecoms Firm

指導教授 : 李弘暉


自台灣電信市場開放以來,台灣地區行動電話服務業市場急速成長,從1998年年初市占率不到7% 到 2003年年初世界第一的103%市占率,在在說明了台灣電信市場的高度競爭,而在2000年時泛亞電信以南部單區的行動電話業者,推出一系列『在地的廣告』,獲得消費者深切的認同並成功的取得行動電話業界最佳的客戶服務獎及平均帳單最好的成績,以單區而又最少的資源卻得到消費者的青睞。 當台灣於2005年推出第三代行動電話服務時,消費者對第三代行動電話服務的購買行為,卻是完全不同於對第二代行動電話服務,各個第三代行動電話業者無不竭盡心力,把以往第二代行動電話時所有成功的行銷方式如法泡製,卻無法獲致相當的結果,而什麼是消費者心中真正想要的?消費者需要些什麼?哪些是影響購買決策最主要的因素?相關的這些問題探討將有助於第三代行動電話服務業者瞭解消費者行為。 而過去幾年來行動電話服務業者將研究偏向於量化之研究,量化研究應用於第二代行動電話服務業消費者行為乃注重於某一特定時點上之行為模式,這些研究方式並不足以瞭解消費者選擇第三代行動電話之行為模式,因此本研究選擇以質性研究法更深入探討第三代行動電話服務業消費者之行為模式,提供業者在這多變的競爭環境中瞭解消費者行為模式的內涵。 本研究採取紮根理論(Grounded theory)研究法,對第三代行動電話服務業者之顧客作深度訪談,透過訪談記錄之整理分析與紮根理論之概念,對資料進行編碼,建構消費者在選擇行動電話服務業者時的決策模式。本研究以理論抽樣的方式,共計訪問二十位受訪者,總共歸納出八十四個開放編碼、並逐而歸納成十五個主軸編碼,最後,在選擇編碼階段,則將十五個主軸編碼歸納成動機、決策過程以及影響變數三大概念,建構第三代行動電話服務業者消費者行為模式。


As the telecom market is deregulated in Taiwan, the mobile service market grows very quickly. The penetration rate grows from 7% in early 1998 to 103% in early 2003, the top one in the world. It points out the highly competition in Taiwan telecom market. In 2000, Tran-Asia, which is a southern single-district mobile carrier, launches a series of “Local tone CF” gain consumer’s concession and gain the prize of “BEST Customer Service” and highest “ARPU” achievement in telecom industry. It wins the market via single-district license and least resource. As 3G services are launched in Taiwan in 2005, the purchasing behavior in 3G services is totally different from 2G services. All the 3G service carriers try to copy the successful business model in 2G services, but fail to get the equivalent result. What is the real desire of consumer? What does consumer need? What is the key factors in purchasing decision? All the researches above would help 3G service carriers to know consumer behavior. All the researches in the past focus on quantity research. Quantity researches in 2G service of consumer behavior in telecom focus on behavior of specific timing, these researches are not enough to know the consumer behavior in purchasing 3G services. So this research chooses “Quality Analysis” as the methodology to discuss deeply consumer behavior in purchasing 3G services under the variable competitive environment. This research use “Grounded theory” as its methodology. Having deep interview with 3G mobile service carrier, to deal with interview record and concept of Grounded theory”, to coding the data, so as to construct consumer decision model in choosing mobile service carrier. This research gets the sample via “theory sampling”. There are twenty interviewers in the research, and get 84 “open code”, and get 15 “axis code”. At the end, in choosing coding stage, the 15 “axis code” form three concepts: “motivation”, “decision process”, “influence variety”. These concepts constitute consumer behavior in 3G services.


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