  • 學位論文


A Practical Research into the Security Management of High-Tech Semi-conductor Industries---with insight into a Semi-conductor manufacturing company in Hsin Chu Science Park

指導教授 : 李伯謙


本論文研究之「企業安全組織」是佈署在產業經營前端的重要單位,一個架構建全的企業安全組織可以幫助企業主或決策者在發展的過程中,擁有與企業文化相結合的安全管理規範,完善有效的執行安全管理工作,達到落實門禁及資訊的安全保護, 讓企業在營運的過程中,避免干擾而穩定成長。同時,透過專業的企業安全服務作業,亦能使員工、廠商、客戶各依所需獲得安全的滿足,建立可信賴的企業形象及商譽。 「高科技產業的實體安全管理實務研究」一文共分為五大章,主要係以個人在安全維護作業上近卅年的工作經歷及投入高科技產企業安全組織的經營實例為研究主題,分析高科技產業與傳統產業在安全需求上的差異,說明國際排名第一的高科技產業,如何在企業文化的堅持下實踐安全信念。同時,更以國內產、官、學及業者對安全管理不同的認知,提出企業安全服務市場未來會面臨什麼樣的挑戰。 第一章「緒論」主要是說明研究動機、目的、方式及範圍。高科技產業邁向高成本、高技術、高良率及高智慧財產權時代,引發競爭對手的覬覦,如果忽略實體安全管理,將面臨商業間諜竊取各種機密資訊,以打擊企業的競爭與生存。以新竹科學園區內全世界排名龍頭的高科技產業進行個案研究,說明其在企業安全管理上的投資及經營,部分作法實可供國內業界參考。 第二章「高科技產業發展的安全風險與需求」以產業現行面臨各項安全風險的評估為討論主題,說明各項安全理論的發展,尤其在商業間諜環伺下,科技產業經營不僅要面對對內的管控,更要有防範外來電子入侵的能力。本章第一節討論風險管理與企業經營的關係,以威脅、致命傷、反制對策及價值分析企業面臨的風險,瞭解機密資訊管理的目的及實踐信念,對高科技產業發展的安全風險進行定位。第二節談到危機預防與管理對企業安全的重要,強調危機管理的重要。第三節強調企業對資訊安全管理的迫切需求,維護資訊安全的對策及是否反制成功,是企業安全組織重要的作業。最後,本章談到實體安全與系統保全構建企業的安全環境,相的也必需獲得企業的支持,互惠互助才能達成維護企業的人員、財產及資訊安全的任務。 第三章「企業安全機制的現況分析及T公司案例」是舉出全球半導體龍頭公司T公司的企業安全管理為例,就「實體保全(含安全系統管理)」、「資訊機密保護」及高階主管「人身安全維護」等三大方向逐項介紹,屬於實作印證理論的章節。透過T企業經營在國際科技產業界的知名度及負責人崇高的學術及意見領袖地位,舉足輕重引起各界觀瞻的背景下,企業安全工作除了一般的門禁管理及資訊管制的外,如何規劃高主管的人身安全及支援公司各型活動的安全維護,都是企業安全組織的業務範疇。 「實體保全(含安全系統管理)」、「資訊機密保護」及高階主管「人身安全維護」等三個工作主題環環相扣,這是國內企業安全實例首次曝光。其中,人身安全維護的經營與發展,在國內都是屬於起步階段,而機密資訊的維護做法,早已成為其他企業參考的標竿,透過本章的細部分解,是企業安全組織參考的樣本。 第四章「高科技產業企業安全組織的建構」是從T公司的實際運作,讓國內重要公部門及民營企業前往拜訪交流得證有參用價值,提出各項安全規劃的應有作法及驗證,設計出精確的步驟,提供從事企業安全的工作者有所印證對照,更對各項與企業安全有關的工程作出最佳的建議。包括實體安全基礎架構,從前置準備上到規劃執行,透過組織定位、責任義務及執行能力三大方向說明。另外,門禁管理系統要如何建制與維護,本章節提出六個設置原則及七種運用規劃,使各項管理在完善的系統規劃下得以準確落實。 第四章還有另兩個重點「資訊保護應有的作為」及「人身安全應有的作為」,在目前國內企業安全管理中都屬於陌生而業界急得窺知的項目,文章以實際的作業方向提供執行守則及管理做法,讓這些屬於特殊規格量身訂制的安全維護作業程序成為制式的典章。 第五章最後以高科技發展的背景下,企業面對更精密的犯罪手法,如何面臨降低開支的經營策略卻又要提昇企業安全的能力,必需靠著公部門執法機關、私人安全領域(企業安全組織、保全業者)與社會的共同合作,才能打擊犯罪保障平安。本章以客觀的角度檢視當前安全資源的運用及安全環境的需求,提出可行的建言與建議,期盼政府主管機關—--內政部警政署、教育部、經濟部及財政部等,保全產業界、企業及學術機構等能共同合作,建制出一套能結合保全公司的管理、提昇保全從業人員素質及滿足企業安全組織運用供需的機制,以符合企業安全發展的目的及需求。


“Corporate Safety Organization” is an important unit under the business handling frontline of a company. A fully structured Safety organization can help the company or decision-maker to achieve proper surveillance and protection of confidential information, through having complementary management criteria to the company as well as performing mature implementation of management work. Thus, a corporation may operate smoothly with stable growth instead of disturbances. At the same time, through professional corporate safety service, the safety needs of employees, firms, as well as customers may be fulfilled, and thereby establish a trustworthy reputation and image for the company. “A Practical Research into the Security Management of High-Tech Semi-conductor Industries” is divided into five chapters, mainly focusing on almost thirty years of personal experience in working to improve the security structure of a high-tech company. It presents an exciting case study of high-tech industries’ security organizations, analyzing the differences between the safety needs of high-tech industries vs. conventional industries, and explains how the highest internationally ranking company insists on achieving its beliefs and values in security management. Meanwhile, it also points out what domestic industries, the government, and scholars foresee regarding the challenges the corporate safety market service will face in the future. The first chapter “Preface” is mainly discussing the motivation, purpose, method and scope. The high tech industry is moving towards an era of high cost, high technology, high yield and big on intellectual property rights, which easily lures competitors to commit crimes of theft and piracy. If we ignore safety management, we will face business spies stealing all kinds of confidential information to attack corporate competition and survival. Dwelling on the case study of the top-ranking high-tech company in Hsin Chu Science Park, it points out the investment and effort the company has made in the field of Corporate Security that has made it the successful role-model for foreign and domestic competitors. The main topic in Chapter two, “Safety Risks and Needs of High-tech Industry Development” is the evaluation of various safety risks, and explains the development of each safety theory, especially in the midst of business espionage, high-tech industries not only have to face inner management challenges, but also have to take precautions against e-invasion. The second section dilates on prevention and management of crisis and their importance to corporate safety, emphasizing the importance of crisis management. The third section reinforces the dire need for information safety management in a company, providing strategies for maintaining information confidentiality and problem solving, which are key actions for corporate safety organizations. Finally, this chapter discusses the mutual interdependency and support between physical security system’s safe environment and the company itself—only by working side by side and having a consensus on the necessary contributions to security can the mission of keeping the people property and information security of a corporation safe be truly fulfilled. Chapter three “Current analysis of corporate safety mechanisms and T-company case study” takes into view the corporate safety management example of the world leading manufacturer of semi-conductors, going into depth concerning “physical security environment”, (including system management, information confidentiality protection,) and “managerial personnel personal safety protection,” being a chapter that attempts to prove the theories mentioned above. By following the chairman of company T, who is highly respected for his wisdom and knowledge in the academic field as well as his reputation as an opinion leader in the high-tech industry, we see how corporate safety work not only deals with common entrance surveillance, information security management, but also how to plan the personal safety of high level superiors and to support the safety requirements of corporate events. In Chapter Four, “The Set up and Structure of High tech Industries,” the topic of corporate safety organizations enters the applications that can be used once the safety theories are in practice. This chapter clearly puts down the methods and verification of different safety schemes, providing detailed procedures to be a guide and reference for corporate safety workers. The content includes basic structure of a company’s physical safety structure, from pre-preparation to plan-realization, demonstrated through three areas 1) organization positioning, 2) responsibilities and duties, and 3)way of implementation. Two other key points in the forth chapter includes the “Should-do’s” of information confidence protection and personal safety, two items that are unfamiliar to current safety management opinions, and gives rules to abide and management practices so that these specific cases are tailored and established as a template for the workings of corporate security. Chapter Five spends time on the issue of how a company should cut down on expenses but still uplift the company’s capabilities of safety defense in the dark waters of advanced crime techniques and scams and are so frequently seen in the environment of high-tech industries. Only through legal institutions in the public sector, personal safety areas (corporate safety organizations, security dealers,) and the society’s cooperation, may crime be prevented and safety secured. This chapter also takes a very objective perspective to survey the usage of current security resources and the need for a safe environment, giving doable advice, hoping that the government, security organizations, corporate security units, as well as academic institutions may cooperate and create a mechanism that enhances the integrated management of security companies, improves the quality of security personnel and satisfies the smooth flow of corporate security organizations, to fulfill the purpose and need of corporate security development.


1. Robert J. 著,李振昌譯(2002),《企業安全管理完全手冊》,台北:紐奧良。
2. Ira Winkler著,張沛元譯(1998),《大盜入侵》,台北:商周出版。
3. 陸炳文著(1996),《你是應變高手?》,台北:商周文化。
4. 高景星編輯(2002),《進入企業武裝時代》,台北:紐奧良。
