  • 學位論文


The effect of green product (GP) vendors quality assurance (QA) management mode on business enterprise performance-- e.g., Electronics Industry .

指導教授 : 湯 玲 郎


本研究最主要是探討綠色產品供應商品質管理模式對經營績效之影響—以電 子業為例。主要探討不同背景供應商在導入實施品質管理模式對其公司經營績效之間的相關性。透過設計問卷及運用獨立樣本 t 檢定、皮爾遜相關分析、迴歸分析、二因子變異數分析等統計方法進行研究分析,最後獲得結論如下: 1.供應商經營管理績效,與其公司內部有推行品質活動狀況例如 5S活動、提案改善及目標管理等活動呈現顯著影響,當供應商愈是積極落實推行品質活動時,其公司經營績效愈好。 2.供應商在面對綠色產品導入實施品質管理模式對公司經營績效有顯著相關,從資料統計結果得知,愈是重視執行『法規及客戶要求』及『持續改善』等品質管理模式的公司,則其公司經營績效會更好。 3.供應廠導入實施Sony GP 認證時,對於公司品質管制模式與公司經營績效 產生干擾作用,當公司對於品質管理模式認同度高時其經營績效較好,與Sony GP認證無顯著相關;但是當公司對品質管理模式認同度低時,同時導入SonyGP 認證,可以提升公司經營績效。 4.供應商資料調查結果品保人員佔公司員工比例約等5%,供應商有96.5% 有通過ISO-9000品質系統認證,表示通過品質系統認證是供應商基本必備要素。 5.台灣與大陸地區供應廠商對品質管理模式實施構面有顯著差異,愈是以生 產製造為導向供應商,對於導入品質管理模式認同度越高。 期望藉由本研究之資料收集與分析結果,能夠提供給供應廠商面對綠色產品 時代來臨時,作為推行實施綠色產品品質管理模式之參考的資料。


This study mainly treats the topic regarding the effect of green product (GP) vendors quality assurance (QA) management mode on business enterprise performance---- e.g., electronics industry . The main topic discussion regarding the correlation between the lead-in quality management mode from suppliers on different backgrounds and business performance. Research analysis is well done by such statistics approaches as questionnaire design, unique samples collection certification, Pearson product-moment correlation, regression analysis, dual factors variance analysis, then conclusion is finalized as follows: 1.Vendor Business Administration Management Performance, as well as significant effects on quality assurance launch inside company, such as 5S activity, quality improvements proposal and Management Business Objective (MBO). The more vendors launch quality assurance activity, the better company business performance is. 2. There’s significant bearing on company business performance while vendors channel quality assurance mode for green product (GP). As well concluded from current data statistics, the more a company focuses upon quality assurance management of “laws and Regulations, as well as customer service requests” and “ improvements continuance”, the better company business performance is. 3. As vendors channel Sony GP certification, there’s interference activity against company quality assurance regulations mode and company business performance. While a company identify itself well with quality assurance mode, its business performance will be better, with a non-significant correlation with Sony GP certification; while a company identify itself less with quality assurance mode and concurrently channel Sony GP certification, there’s an elevation upon company business performance. 4. Vendors concluded from current data inquiry that approximately 5% percentage of quality assurance personnel of company employees, 96.5% for vendors. It’s an essential factor required for vendors to pass ISO-9000 quality assurance system certification. 5. There’s differing significance upon quality assurance management mode between Taiwan and Mainland China suppliers. The more vendors act by production and manufacture management mode, the higher lead-in quality assurance management mode identification is. We are expected from this study analysis and its consequence, to provide vendors well with referent materials for launching green product (GP) quality assurance management mode, while vendors are faced with green product (GP) Era.


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