  • 學位論文


Study on Willingness of Long-Term Care Institutions’ Native Caregivers to Resign - A case study on the long-term care institutions in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳昱名


本文研究目的為本國籍照服員:1.離職意願相關因素分析。2.組織承諾、工作滿意度、社會支持與離職意願之關係,3.依差異因子進行預測,以利組織或個人修正,得以留任員工。研究對象為領有國民身分證之本國籍照顧服務員,採取立意取樣,以自製問卷並運用描述性統計、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、羅吉斯迴歸分析及多元迴歸分析等方法,進行資料分析於量性問卷發現異質性較高之個案,再做質性深度訪談。 研究結果發現南台灣住宿式機構本國籍照顧服務員離職意願的因子中「離職念頭」、「為離職作打算」、「想離職的頻率」、「想離職的強度」與「工作滿意度」、「社會支持」具顯著差異,與組織承諾則無顯著差異。研究結果顯示照顧服務員以情感性支持為優先管理模式;薪資提升有著於留任;職涯規劃有助提升社會價值感;彈性排班使員工能職場與家庭兼顧;資深者工作資歷再運用,則可使其作為機構傳承的種子教官。 建議政府單位可從1.正名照服員技術士並確立證照專業化階梯,逐步強化專業認證資格;2.職涯規劃:完成進階教育晉升從事個管人員或照管專員等進階職類,能有前景規畫未來;3.教育訓練:除進入學校取得相關學歷程度外,衛生福利部的長照人員進階課程Level Ι、Π、?M建議亦可納入照顧服務員職類參與上課,以作為進階門檻。


The study aims at native caregivers as the target for the following purposes: 1. Analysis of factors related to willingness of resignation; 2. Relationship between organizational commitment, job satisfaction, social support and willingness of resignation; 3. Forecast based on the differential factors to facilitate the organizational or individual correction and retention of employees. The researched subjects refer to native caregivers holding a national ID card, and purposive sampling is adopted. Meanwhile, the study uses self-made questionnaires and descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, single-factor variance analysis, Logit regression analysis and multiple regression analysis approaches to analyze the data. Then, qualitative in-depth interviews will be conducted the cases with high heterogeneity found in the questionnaire. According to the findings of the study, significant difference exists between the factors of the native caregivers’ willingness to resign from the long-term care institutions in Southern Taiwan, such as “thought about resignation”, “plan for resignation”, “frequency of thought about resignation” and “strength of thought about resignation”, and “job satisfaction” and “social support”, while no significant difference exists between the same and the organizational commitment. The study results show that caregivers adopt emotional support as their first priority management model; raise helps retention of employees; career planning helps upgrade the social value; flexible shift arrangement allows employees to take care of their jobs and family at the same time; utilization of senior workers’ experience to train them to be the seed instructors engaged in passing on the institutions’ work. The government entities are suggested to 1. Rectify the caregivers’ professional qualification and establish the professionalization of license by steps; 2. Provide career planning: The caregivers who complete continuing education may be promoted as the private caregivers or care specialists and, therefore may have the prospective to be planned; 3. Education and training: In addition to obtaining the relevant academic qualifications in schools, the long-term caregiver advanced courses Level I, II and III provided by Ministry of Health and Welfare may also enroll the caregivers as the advanced threshold.


Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M., Mowday, R. T., & Boulian, P. V. (1974). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians. Journal of applied psychology, 59(5), 603-609. doi: 10.1037/h0037335
