  • 學位論文


The cartoon “Naruto” : construction of masculinity of school boys and the anti-sexual harassment education in elementary schools

指導教授 : 陳美華


反性騷擾是近年來校園性別教育的主題,但此同時,校園內學生彼此間的性遊戲卻也不曾間斷。學童間的性遊戲和性騷擾間的分野究竟為何?學童如何在這些性遊戲過程中習得性別操演、性別認同是本論文的核心要旨。藉由訪談32位(14組)學童、一位輔導組長與進行三間教室內性騷擾防治課程的田野觀察,以性別研究理論與社會批判觀點了解性騷擾課堂對男/女性身體的差別對待,揭露「火影忍者」卡通的霸權陽剛意識形態,呈現學童對「千年殺」與「性騷擾」的區辨。 研究中發現老師們努力將性騷擾概念教授給學童,但學童的理解與實踐仍有差距;可能在於性騷擾防治課堂偏向保護立場的觀點、性別分化的防治內容與早些年社會文化中對性文化的隱晦與保守態度的影響,讓學童不僅窄化性騷擾定義為保護性器官,也在應對策略上有性別分化的現象。「火影忍者」卡通內容中有許多值得待解構的性別議題;包括女主角的生命意義多集中在對愛情的憧憬和呈現男性觀點下的身體意象;而男主角們勇於挑戰困境、追求成功的抱負;重視同伴情誼的霸權陽剛氣質表現。而不時穿插性意涵的惡作劇做笑點,與處處可見的暴力殺戮行為,也提供了負面的性騷擾、暴力學習文本,合理化一些不符合社會規範的行為動機。但男童限於社會規範與社會情境、性態、年齡…的差異就算因而呈現慾望或心動認同,也不一定轉化為行動或身體實踐。學童從卡通文本中擷取了暴力文本「千年殺」於日常生活實踐,藉由不攻擊重要部位與排除女性、陌生人和參與對象的親疏遠近,來合理化成人眼中的性騷擾行為。且另一方面由於男學童之間存在著權力不平等關係,使男學童遭遇到同儕(性)騷擾甚至是(性)霸凌事件時,因應時空條件的轉換,運用沉默、共謀甚至運動競爭等策略來展現自己的主體性。


性騷擾 卡通 千年殺 陽剛氣質


Anti-sexual harassment education has been promoted in Taiwan since the late 1990s, but one may still find school children engage in sexual games that might amount to sexual harassment from an adult’s perspective. Using the popular cartoon “Naruto” as an example, this thesis aims to understand elementary school children’s perceptions of sexual harassment and how they make sense of certain sexual games. I interviewed 32 (14 groups) school children and one counseling leader and conducted observation in three classrooms in Kaohsiung to see how the idea of sexual harassment was explained in classrooms. Drawing on theoretical insights from feminist theories (theories of gender), I analyze how school boys learned (hegemonic) masculinity from the popular cartoon “Naruto” and played the game “Cianyan nianyan sha” in their daily life. Moreover, I analyze the ways in which school boys made a distinction between playing it as a “funny game” and as (sexual) violence against their peers. I discover that teachers made an effort to explain the concept of the sexual harassment. However there is a gap between what the children knew about sexual harassment and what they practiced. Concurring with some other researchers, I found that there is a protective and gendered tendency in anti- sexual harassment education in schools. This tendency makes the children not only saw sexual harassment prevention as merely protecting the reproductive and/or sexual organs, but also have developed gendered strategies to avoid being accused of sexual harassment when they play certain games. Moreover, there are many gender issues in the cartoon “Naruto”, for example the female protagonist is always protrayed as naïve and romance-pursuing, while the male protagonists are challenging, pursue success, and value companion friendship. The cartoon also contains many practical jokes and behaviours that convey sexual meanings. These sexual jokes and behaviours are a sexual violent text available for school boys. In some cases, school boys re-enacted these sexual practices in their daily life, and justified these practices by claiming that “everyone is playing the same game”. However, it is worth noting that not all (sexual and/or violent) games were acted out in daily life. In many cases, they picked up the game “Cianyan nianyan sha” from the cartoon and played it at schools. They rationalized this practice (which in adults’ eyes might amount to sexual harassment) by not attacking other players’ “important organs” and not targeting at girls’ and strangers’ participation. It would have been considered sexual harassment if it were targeted at girls and strangers. In addition, this research also finds that boys and girls develop different ways to cope with sexual harassment. Girls would tend to keep silent while boys would often fight back. This study recommends that the anti-sexual harassment education should emphasize on teaching students that they hold the ownership of their own bodies and sexualities rather than merely protecting their sexual organs. Key words: sexual harassment, cartoon, Cianyan nianyan sha, masculinities




