  • 學位論文


Reconceptualizing Bullying, Sexual Drscrimination, Victimization faced by Feminine Males

指導教授 : 陳慈幸


本研究的研究目的是為了解具女性特質的男性在日常生活中的處境,欲探究其是否會為因為其特定的陰柔特質而產生性霸凌或是性別歧視的現象,且欲了解受訪者對於性別平等教育法在教育現場的實質感受。 在研究過程中採取質性取向的深度訪談法,找到了五位符合資格的具女性特質男性進行訪談,並藉由受訪者的經驗,了解在其在成長過程中或職場中所遭遇所遭遇的霸凌或是歧視現象。 研究結果發現,受訪者在整個過程中可能會經歷的心路歷程變化、在遭遇困境時所採取的應變策略。並從受訪者的經驗中,試著找出霸凌或歧視狀況改善的時機點。受訪者在整個成長過程中最容易感受的壓力來源如下:「別人的目光」、「理想中男性的樣子」、「言語暴力」、「融入人群的渴望」、「別人無法包容自己的性別氣質」。 本研究依據整體的研究發現提出以下建議。其一從個人部分:「不應以性別氣質限制個人發展」、「打破生理男性等於陽剛特質的絕對連結」、「學會正向看待生命、並勇敢做自己」。其二從學校部分:「讓更多的老師能擁有多元性別的概念」、「致力於破除性別刻板印象」、「重視潛在課程的成效」。其三從社會部分:「發揮媒體良善的影響力」、「從身邊的人開始改變」。


The purpose of this study is to understand the situation of gender-atypical males in their daily lives, to explore whether it will cause sexual bullying or sexual discrimination because of their “femininity”, and to realize the substantial benefits of the Gender Equity Education Act (2004) in an educational setting. An in-depth qualitative interview was conducted, and the aim was to explore the subjective experiences of five males who do not conform to traditional gender norms and to realize the bullying or discrimination they encountered when they were growing up or even now in the workplace. The research findings show that the interviewees may undergo some psychological changes, adopt various strategies to cope with the discreditable situations, and search for the suitable time to subvert those situations. The Interviewees revealed that their stress sources might be others’ scrutiny, the idealized masculine images, verbal violence, the desire for belongingness and others’ intolerance of their gender attributes. Given these examples of sexual bullying or discrimination, I make the following suggestions: First, at the individual level: one’s development should not be restricted due to masculinities or femininities. The illusionary link between one’s cisgender and gender norms should be broken. We should take a positive attitude towards life and be ourselves. Secondly, within schools, teachers should grow an awareness of multiple dimensions of gender identities, make efforts to break gender stereotypes, and highlight the efficacy of hidden curriculum. Third, in the social sphere: we should be aware of how social media construct public opinion, and start to influence others just around us.


femininity sexual bullying gender stereotype


王儷靜、林以加,《性別平等教育法》十年: 一個民間團體的觀察,婦研縱橫,101期,2014年,第31-39頁。
