  • 學位論文


Seeing the Gender or the Profession- The Practical Experiencing Process of male nursing students in the obstetrics and gynecology ward.

指導教授 : 楊玉娥


本研究旨在探討男護生於婦產科病房實習之經驗歷程,研究採質性研究中的現象學研究法,自2011年9月至2012年1月,在中台灣某護理專科學校以滾雪球及立意取樣方式收取個案,共有10位男護生參與本研究。研究者將所有的訪談內容逐字轉寫成行為過程紀錄,並將紀錄以Colaizzi 的內容分析法進行資料的分析與歸納。 資料分析結果將男護生在婦產科病房實習之經驗歷程依時序,分 為實習前期、實習中期、實習結束期三個部份。歸納男護生於婦產科 病房實習前期的經驗歷程共有「無形的性別藩籬」一個主題及『失衡 的自我角色認同』、『被束縛的學習』、『男女大不同、職業大不同』以 及『被置放的性別框架-性別刻板印象』等四個次主題;而實習中期 的經驗歷程為「回到護理最初的起點」一個主題與『每天都是一種練 習』、『另一種收穫-見證母愛的偉大、學習兩性關懷』、『找到被需要 的感動』三個次主題;實習結束期則有「專業與性別的天秤」一個主 題與『尊重個案與爭取照顧機會間的拔河』、『解開性別的枷鎖,領悟 護理的真諦』與『他們的需要』三個次主題。 研究結果顯示男護生於婦產科病房實習之經驗歷程,因為受到傳 統性別刻板印象的影響,以及多數機構與學校缺乏提供學生、醫護人 I 員以及住院個案與家屬性別相關教育,因此使得男護生剛開始進入婦 產科病房實習時,多數都感到有挫折感並抱持消極的學習態度。然而 在經歷不斷的摸索與學習之後,婦產科病房的實習歷程對於男護生而 言,不但蘊含了重要的學習意義且有其安排實習之必要性存在。本研 究提供了學校與醫療實習機構如何落實性別平等教育於護理專業中 之省思與參考,期許未來能給予男護生性別平等的學習機會及男護生 於婦產科實習與進入護理臨床實務工作時之協助。


男護生 婦產科病房


This study examines the internship experience of male nursing students in obstetrics and gynecology wards using a phenomenological qualitative research approach. The research period is from September, 2011 to January, 2012. This study employed the snowball method and purposive sampling to recruit ten male nursing students from a nursing college in central Taiwan. The interviews were transcribed into process record, and the Colaizzi content analysis method was employed to analyze and categorize the research data. Based on the chronological order of internship experiences of the male nursing students in the obstetrics and gynecology words, the analytical results of this research are categorized into the following three sections: (1) initial internship period; (2) middle internship period; (3) and the final internship period. The results from the initial period indicate that the internship experience of the male nursing students are characterized by the “intangible sexual barriers” theme that comprises the following four sub-topics: (1) “Unbalanced self-role recognition;” (2)“Constrained learning experience;”(3)“Different genders, different occupations;” and (4) “Framed by gender framework – gender stereotypes.” The results from the middle period are characterized by the theme “returning to the start of nursing care” that comprises the following three sub-topics: (1) “Every day is a practice;” (2) “Another gain – witnessing the greatness of a mother’s love and learning the care between genders;” and (3) “Finding emotional connection for being needed by others.” The results from the final period are characterized by the theme “the scale of profession and genders” that is comprises the following three sub-topics: (1) “The tug of war between respecting cases and striving for opportunities to provide nursing care;” (2) “Releasing the shackle of genders, understanding the essence of nursing care;” and (3) “Their needs.” The research results show that the participants’ internship experiences in the obstetrics and gynecology wards were influenced by gender stereotypes and the majority of institutions offer insufficient gender-related education to nursing students, nursing staff, hospitalized patients, and their families, thereby causing frustration and passive learning attitudes of participants during the initial internship period. Through ongoing examination and learning, the participants’ internship experience in the obstetrics and gynecology wards provided significant and essential learning experiences that validate the necessity of the internship. The results of this study offer a reference and reflection for educational and medical internship institutions to realize gender equity education in nursing professions. Medical institutions are encouraged to offer equal learning opportunities to male nursing students and assist them with clinical nursing care practices in the obstetrics and gynecology department.


