  • 學位論文


What is the feeling called love : gender politics in heterosexual intimate relationships .

指導教授 : 林津如


愛情不是不證自明、固定不變的一種本質,它與社會具有密切的關係。女性主義者提出女性在異性戀愛情中常被處處箝制,犧牲自己的權益,若異性戀愛情的性別互動呈現這樣的狀態,將可能使異性戀社會中性別宰制的力量持續運作,使女性附屬的地位無法翻轉。因此由此角度出發,愛情這個深植於女人心理情感的宰制面向,愛情與社會建構之間的關係,絕對是女性主義必須介入的。因此筆者由質性研究的訪談法,訪談十七位未婚男女,請她/他談談關於什麼是愛情?以及描述與解釋在一段親密關係中所經歷的生活事件。本研究分析這個事件背後的性別權力關係,並且說明為何愛情是一種社會建構的感情。 本研究結果,雖然部分女性受訪者對於愛情與親密關係已經有異於傳統刻板的想法,認為婚姻不必然是人生必經之路,但她們仍體認女性在尋求愛情與經營愛情的過程中,與男性相比較之下,性別規範對女性的約束較大。但主流的愛情形式仍是異性戀,緊扣婚姻制度的,這樣的認知仍是強迫式(異於異性戀之愛情型態的「選擇」較沒有被看見或被考慮),異性之間的愛被視之為天經地義。在異性戀親密關係的互動,也充滿了性別政治意涵,男強女弱、男性支配與女性被支配,仍是主導男女交往關係權力運作的主軸。這樣的權力模式貫穿了親密關係,例如:衝突中的協商、關係經營所付出的時間與心力、性關係的進展…..等。因此在關係結束後,許多女性努力在其他方面彌補婚姻情感市場上的性別弱勢,更認真在職場上自我實踐,思考在愛情中「女性自我」的價值,並重新認識自己、珍惜愛情之外其他情感的重要,例如:親情與友情等。


愛情 親密關係


Is Love something that can’t be explained? According to feminist scholars, love is closely connected with society. Feminists address the ideology of love in heterosexcial society, arguing that love submits women to man. Women are usually restrained and lost themselves in heterosexcial relationship. heterosexuality works in such a way that women can’t change their subordinated position in the society. Therefore, the interconnections between love and social construction is worthy of feminist exloration. In order to understand the gendered dynamis in heterosexual relationships, I interviewed seventeen single women and men asking them what is love?How did they describe and explain what’s going on in their relationships? The result shows that different person has different thought about love. Yet, their feelings could be understood as socially constructed emotions. hetroseuxality and marriage are still compelling concepts. The majority of them consider hetetrosexual love as nature and intimacy as closely connected with the system of marriage. Some female interviewees appear to think about love and intimacy in non-traditional ways, and consider marriage is not necessary in life. Yet, they still felt that women in relationships are still restricted by gender norms. In their daily interactions, gendered politics prevails. Men are strong and women are weak. Men control and women be controlled. Such dynamics is seen in intimate relationships, such as negotiations in conflicts, what to do to make a relationship working, sex, and so on. After breaking up, a lot of women try to work hard in other aspects of life to recover from the subordinated situation in relationships. They pay more attention to career. They cherish themselves more than before. They understand themselves again, and treasure other values in life such as family ties and friendships.


relationship love


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