  • 學位論文


Post treatment quality of life and related factors in patients with oral cavity cancer—cross-sectional study

指導教授 : 謝天渝


中文摘要 近年來,台灣口腔癌病例大幅增加,其好發於中壯年男性,且發病年齡有越來越年輕的趨勢,罹病後造成病患及家屬在生活、社會及經濟上重大改變,疾病侵犯及治療前後對病患生活品質的衝擊,是現今醫療照護不可忽視之議題,值得深入研究探討。本研究之目的在於了解口腔癌病患治療後生活品質現況及病患人口學屬性、疾病特性與生活品質的關係,並分析影響口腔癌病患生活品質的重要因素。採結構性問卷調查,以EORTC QLQ-C30及EORTC QLQ-H&N35中文標準化問卷測量其健康相關生活品質,共271位口腔癌病患完成問卷,資料經統計分析後,重要結果如下:病患自覺最不適的頭頸部症狀依序為「吞嚥困難」、「牙齒問題」、「咀嚼困難」問題;病患「整體生活品質」平均分數為62.15分;EORTC QLQ-C30問卷統計結果,功能性題組中「角色功能」分數最高,而「社會功能」分數最差,症狀題組或單獨問題部份,以「失眠」問題分數最高;EORTC QLQ-H&N35問卷統計結果,症狀題組部分,以「社交性進食」問題分數最高,單獨問題部份,以「牙齒問題」最高分。整體而言,家庭平均月收入狀況、腫瘤發生部位、治療方式、治療後時間及治療後復發與否為影響健康相關生活品質之最重要因素;家中收入5萬元以上、單純手術治療、沒有復發、治療6個月後之病患,其健康相關生活品質顯著較好。


Abstract In recent years, the number of oral cancer cases has increased sharply in Taiwan. Although middle-aged men are more likely to suffer from the disease, there is a tendency to have younger and younger patients of oral cancer. After people suffer from the disease, the many major changes happening in their and their families’ life, society, and economy, along with the invasion and treatment of oral cancer, will have an impact on the quality of life (QoL) of patients; thus, this is an issue that should not be overlooked by today’s medical care and is worthy of further study. The purposes of this study were to understand both the current quality of life of oral cancer patients after treatment and patients’ demographic characteristics, and to explore the relationship between the features of the disease and patients’ QoL as well as to analyze the important factors that can influence cancer patients’ quality of life. Two structural questionnaires (Taiwan Chinese version of the standardized EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires) were adopted to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the patients. A total of 271 oral cancer patients completed the questionnaires. After data analysis, the important results are described as follows: the most uncomfortable symptoms the patients felt over their head and neck are “swallowing difficulty,” “teeth problems,” and “chewing difficulty.” The patients’ average score of “global quality of life” is 62.15. According to the results of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire, the highest and lowest scores of the six multi-item function scales appear in the “role functioning” and the “social functioning” respectively; the highest score of all the symptom scales and the single-item scales appears in “insomnia.” According to the results of the EORTC QLQ-H&N35 questionnaire, the highest score of the symptom scales appears in “social eating”; the highest score of the single-item scales appears in “teeth problem.” In general, the most important factors influencing the patients’ HRQoL include the average monthly income of their family, site of tumor, method of treatment, post-treatment interval, and disease recurrence after treatment. Patients with the following qualities have significantly better HRQoL: from a family with a monthly income of more than NT$50,000, with simple surgery treatment, without recurrence of the disease, and with a post- treatment interval of more than six months.


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