  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships Among Sense of Community, Community Participation and Satisfaction With The Community Development Associations of Kaohsiung City Residents

指導教授 : 黃志忠 博士


本研究旨在探討社區居民之社區意識、社區活動參與對於社區發展協會滿意度之關係。為達研究目的,研究者先根據相關文獻設計「高雄市居民社區意識、社區參與及對社區發展協會滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,並以高雄市社區發展協會所轄社區居民為研究對象。總計發出問卷500份,有效問卷396份,問卷可用率為79.2﹪。 所得資料經以描述性統計、因素分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及迴歸分析等統計方法加以處理後,歸納主要研究發現如下: 一、社區居民人口屬性對社區意識各層面有部分顯著相關。 二、社區居民人口屬性對社區活動參與各層面有部分顯著相關。 三、社區居民人口屬性在對社區發展協會滿意度上有部分顯著相關。 四、社區居民人口屬性、社區意識、社區活動參與及對社區發展協會滿意度上,各變項具有顯著相關。 五、社區活動參與之參與程度層面及參與動機層面;人口屬性中之已婚變項;及社區意識中之社區親和層面等四個變項共同對社區發展協會滿意度具有預測力。   繼而為探求社區居民對本研究之主觀性看法與意見,因而採取質性研究為輔,選取二位社區發展協會幹部及四位社區居民進行深入訪談,並歸納研究結果如下: 一、社區組織若能發揮整體效能,適時提供服務確能凝聚社區居民的意識,加深其對社區的認同程度。 二、以家庭為單位的活動推展,可加深其投入社區的程度。 三、社區發展協會欲獲得居民的認同需注重:⒈辦理符合人民需要的活動及服務;⒉減少與里辦公處的衝突,⒊結合社區資源等方面,則能促使社區居民對社區發展協會產生認同並參與。   根據上述研究結果,本研究分別對社區居民本身、政府主管部門、社區發展協會等三方面提供建議如下: 一、對社區居民的建議:⒈重視組織參與,增進自身福祉;⒉提昇參與層次,化被動為主動。 二、對政府主管部門的建議:⒈辦識民眾需求,建立完善政策;⒉加強弱勢服務,促進參與機會;⒊建立參與機制,營造對話舞台;⒋整合各類組織,健全組織發展。 三、對社區發展協會的建議:⒈採取適當策略,宣導組織益處;⒉著重家庭服務,增進社區意識;⒊發揮領袖功能,善用各類資源;⒋有效活動推展,激發民眾參與。


The objective of this study is to reveal the relationships among the community residents’ sense of community, participation in community activities and their satisfaction with the community development associations. For this purpose, a “Questionnaire of The Sense of Community, Community Participation and Satisfaction With The Community Development Associations” was first developed on the basis of relevant literatures, and the community residents belong to the Community Development Associations of Kaohsiung City were chosen for survey. Five hundred questionnaires were issued, and the total valid questionnaires were 396, with effective rate equal to 79.2﹪. The data was processed with descriptive statistics, Factor Analysis, t test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation, Regression Analysis, and etc. The key findings are: 1. Part of the demographic attribute variables are significantly related to “Sense of Community” dimensions. 2. Part of the demographic attribute variables are significantly related to “Participation in Community Activities” dimensions. 3. Part of the demographic attribute variables are significantly related to “Satisfaction with the Community Development Associations” dimensions. 4. Demographic attribute variables, Sense of Community, Participation in Community Activities, and Satisfaction with the Community Development Associations are significantly related to each other. 5. There are four variables: “Participant Level” and “Participant Motive” from Participation in Community Activities; “Married” in demographic attribute variables; and “Community Affection” in Sense of Community, which could predict Satisfaction with the Community Associations cooperatively. Meanwhile, in order to explore the cognition of community residents, this study also developed in-depth interviews with two Community Development Association leaders and four community residents, the findings are as following: 1. If community organizations projected the overall effectiveness and efficiency, and provided services for residents appropriately, it could strengthen the residents’ sense of community and extend their extent of recognition of community. 2. To increase the level of community involvement, activities should be promoted on the basis of family. 3. To be recognized with residents, Community Development Associations should: (1) provide various activities and services to satisfy residents. (2) eliminate the conflict with neighborhood office. (3) integrate community resources. For community residents, local authorities, and Community Development Associations, some suggestions are raised as following respectively: 1. To community residents: (1) participating those activities more often to enhance well-being themselves; (2) the level of participation should be increased. 2. To local authorities: (1) realizing the needs of residents and appropriate policies; (2) providing opportunities of participation and enhancing services for the vulnerable groups; (3) building up the participation and communication channel with full support in various ways; (4) the different kinds of territorial organizations should be integrated. To Community Development Associations: (1) taking appropriate strategies and propagate what residents would benefit from the associations; (2) emphasizing the importance of family services, enhancing sense of community; (3) strengthening the function of leaders of the associations, and making use of various resources well; (4) promoting activities efficiently and encouraging residents to participate the associations.




林憬鴻(2009)。績優鄰里公園社區自主參與管理維護之研究 以台北市松山區民有一號、二號、三號公園為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2009.00375
