  • 學位論文


Urban Tourism and Urban Regeneration in an Industrial City from Residents’ Perspectives: the Case of Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 游明鳳


在中國大陸沿海城市逐漸發展及工業外移的情形下,高雄市如同其它國外較早期的工業城市般遇到衰退期,加上重工業所帶來的污染讓居住品質下降,高雄市必須轉型以求生存。在參考國外工業城市以觀光業再生成功後,高雄市也以發展觀光為方式試圖重振榮景。   但許多觀測指標皆無法顯示觀光業對高雄市的提升。透過學者們的研究發現高雄市缺少觀光特色,但卻又無法指引出一條高雄市發展觀光可行之路。經過文獻回顧後,本研究試圖從居民的觀點探討高雄市觀光發展與工業城市背景之關係。   本研究採質性研究法,以「強度抽樣」方式,深度訪談七位長年居住高雄市之居民,透過受訪者之豐富閱歷及專業背景瞭解高雄市目前觀光發展的問題、探討工業背景與觀光之關係、定位居民在當中之角色,進一步勾勒高雄市未來可發展之觀光特色。   研究發現,高雄市目前的觀光發展問題可分為「建設方面」、「城市行銷」、「公家機關」、「人員素質」及「文化特色」等五方面。而工業與觀光是否應結合,支持與反對意見兩立,廠區觀光或是以產業博物館方式結合,都有著相當分歧的看法。   居民在觀光發展中所扮演的角色可分為主、被動兩種類型,主動型中又可分熱心參與型與默默耕耘型。目前居民參與公共事務情形不佳,主要歸因為對城市的認同感不足,且公部門之消極態度影響居民提供建議之意願,造成居民認為必須透過民意代表等有影響力之人士才能表達意見。對於目前高雄市的居民而言,可藉由投其所好之方式提升居民參與度。   最缺乏的高雄特色,本研究提出四個方向及一建議:(1)紮根文化,以強化觀光內涵;(2)從生活面用心發現屬於高雄之特有觀光資源;(3)將在地背景重工業採精緻化發展觀光;(4)從「新」建造屬於高雄的特色,創造形塑歡樂型城市。並建議落實專業解說人員培訓制度,以增加觀光行為之深度。從研究中發現,高雄目前相當具有潛力發展「慢」的風格,有別於一般城市的匆促感。從「慢」當中沉澱心靈,讓居民有機會增加文化深度,改善高雄市觀光發展最大的問題,進一步提供觀光客特別的城市觀光體驗。


In recent years, there have been strong developments on the coastline cities of mainland China. The developments have transformed the cities’ images and capabilities from underdeveloped to one of the world’s busiest port. These transformations have evidently effected on the conventional coastline cities of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, for example, which is originally the busiest port in Asia, is now facing a severe challenge and at the same time experiencing a decline in its industrial nature. In order to revive the city issues have been raised accordingly. Among these issues, develop urban tourism and to regenerate the city are its primary efforts. As a result, there are no clear evidences show that to develop Kaohsiung as a tourist city does make Kaohsiung better. Some of the studies even argued that Kaohsiung is actually lacking of tourist attractions and characteristics. The arguments, however, do not point out a possible direction as how to development tourism in Kaohsiung. The study uses in-depth interviews of qualitative research method. For the purpose of exploring problems of urban tourism in Kaohsiung at present, seven permanent residents who have a professional career and working experiences were interviewed. The study explores that the problems of developing tourism in Kaohsiung could be divided into 5 parts: “infrastructure framework”, “marketing strategies”, “Public Sector involvements”, “person quality” and “culture characteristics”. Moreover, the arguments whether to put Kaohsiung’s industrial background with tourism together are hotly debated. There are two types of resident roles involved regarding to tourism developments, they are active role and passive role. In the type of active residents, they could be further divided into two groups: enthusiastically participate and underground promote. Since residents lack of identification with Kaohsiung, they have low aspirations to participate in public affairs. The worse condition is that the residents thought their opinions would not be paid attention to unless they ask some powerful people, such as councilors, to express opinions instead of themselves. The study suggests four ways to improve Kaohsiung’s identity. They are: (1) Found on culture to strengthen tourism meaningfulness. (2) Discover specific tourism attractions from life aspect. (3) Purify industry to combine with tourism. (4) Create “New” feature to make Kaohsiung become a dynamic and joyous city. This study reveals that Kaohsiung has a very strong potential to develop a “slow” style which differs from other ordinary hustle and bustle city lives. Calming our minds within the “slow” style of city life. Residents have chance to improve culture discipline. While the environment improves, we may provide tourists an unusual tourism experience.


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