  • 學位論文


A study of tooth morphology and dental arch form in lingual orthodontics

指導教授 : 張宏博




1970年代藤田矯正法開發以來,舌側矯正以被臨床的使用,但是缺乏有 關國人牙齒舌側形態,牙弓舌側形態方面的資料,難以深入了解舌側矯正支 架,矯正線臨床治療的結果以及使用時應注意的事項. 本研究的目的: 建立國人正常咬合下牙齒舌側形態,牙弓舌側形態的概念,1.將正常咬合下 的牙齒舌側形態中之臨床芽冠舌側斜角與臨床牙冠舌側傾角數值化.2.將 舌側牙弓寬徑,深徑,舌側小臼齒突出,舌側大臼齒突出,小臼齒,大臼齒舌 側總寬數值化並求出前牙舌側牙弓形態方程式,作為臨床的參考. 本研 究以最接近理想咬合者45人的石膏模型為研究樣本,其中男28人,女17人. 一.牙齒形態部份 參考平面為臨床牙冠的舌側牙冠軸(LACC, lingual axis of clinical crown)與基準平面 面,其平行咬合平面為左至或右 側正中門齒切緣和左右第一大臼齒遠心頰側牙尖形成三 點共同平面,舌 側牙冠參考點為Lingual axis point (LA point).使用Nikon V-10 projector ctor在投影螢幕上描繪出牙冠的舌側牙冠軸與舌側外形以測 量出各顆牙齒的臨床牙冠 舌側斜角與臨床牙冠傾角.二.舌側牙弓形態 部份 在二度空得間的牙弓模型上,標示出每顆牙齒舌側的代表點,以數 位板將代表點輸入電腦 ,電腦同時運算出舌冊牙弓寬徑,深徑,舌側小臼 齒突出,大臼齒突出,小臼齒,大臼齒舌側 總寬;並以JMP程式作"迴歸及 曲線配試"(Regression and curve fitting)運算出前牙舌 側牙弓形態 方程式. 結果: 一.牙齒形態部份1.臨床牙冠舌側斜角的測量結果: 臨床舌側牙冠軸相對於基準平面的垂直線所形成的角度即是臨床牙冠舌側 斜角;測量結果 :上顎方面,正中門齒為4.24+/-1.90,側門齒 為5.78+/-1.46,犬齒為7.37+/-1.46,第一小 臼齒為6.82+/-3.42,第二小 臼齒為6.38+/-2.56,第一大臼齒為3.47+/-2.10,第二大臼齒 為-0.93+/-2.95,除第二大臼齒外,其他牙齒皆為近心傾斜;最大值犬齒呈 近心傾斜,最小 值為第二大臼齒呈遠心傾斜.下顎方面,正中門齒 為-0.01+/-1.65,側門齒為-0.27+/-1.58 ,犬齒為3.69+/-2.73,第一小臼 齒為7.36+/-3.31,第二小臼齒為6.17+/-2.52,第一大臼齒 為6.06+/-2.30,第二大臼齒為8.32+/-3.12,除正門齒,側門齒外,其他牙齒 皆為近心傾斜 ;最大值為第二大臼齒呈近心傾斜,最小值為側門齒呈遠心 傾斜.2.臨床牙冠舌側傾角的測量結果: 在前牙:平行連接舌面牙齦線的 最凹陷點與LA point的線相對於基準平面的垂直線所形成 的角度.在小 臼齒與臼齒:通過LA point且平行LACC的切相對於基準平面的垂直線所形 成 的角度,即臨床牙冠舌側傾角;測量結果:上顎方面,正中門齒 為62.93+/-4.59,側門齒為59. 88+/-4.38,犬齒為50.60+/-4.23,第一小 臼齒為10.48+/-4.47,第二小臼齒為11.00+/-4.05, 第一大臼齒 為17.80+/-5.02,第二大臼齒為25.65+/-5.13,皆為唇側傾斜,最大值為正 門齒, 最小值為第二小臼齒.下顎方面,正門齒為48.32+/-5.20,側門齒 為47.25+/-4.57,犬齒為 42.18+/-4.13,第一小臼齒為7.68+/-5.15,第二 小臼齒為4.31+/-5.63,第一大臼齒為-3.65 +/-4.70,第二大臼齒 為-1.46+/-6.41,除第一,二大臼齒外,其他牙齒皆為唇側傾斜;最大值 為 正門為呈唇側傾斜,最小值為第一大臼齒呈舌側傾斜.二.舌側牙弓形態部 份1.前牙舌側牙弓形態部份 上顎: y=9.20266+0.00275-0.03325* 下 顎: y=-5.8586+0.00457+0.03491x*x2.舌側牙弓寬徑的測量結果: 左右 牙齒舌側代表點間的距離(mm)即是舌側牙弓寬徑;測量結果:上顎方面,犬 齒間寬徑為 30.40+/-1.50,第一小臼齒間寬徑為30.59+/-1.93,第二小臼 齒間寬徑為35.99+/-2.31,第一大臼 一大臼齒間寬徑為38.06+/-2.26,第 二大臼齒間寬徑為43.26+/-2.87.下顎方面,犬齒間寬 徑 為23.43+/-1.12,第一小臼齒間寬徑為27.16+/-1.53,第二小臼齒間寬徑 為31.72+/-1.96 ,第一大臼齒間寬徑為33.52+/-1.98,第二大臼齒間寬徑 為39.19+/-2.18.3.舌側牙弓深徑的測量結果: 通過Ic點(左右正中門齒 近心皆觸區的最舌側點)到舌側間距的垂直距離(mm)即是舌側牙弓深徑;測 量結果:上顎方面,Ic/C-C:7.95+/-0.86,Ic/1P-1P:15.57+/-1.24,Ic/2P-2 P:22.02+/-1.52,Ic/1M-1M:28.70+/-1.71,Ic/2M-2M:39.05+/-2.12.下顎 方面,Ic/C-C:5.49+/-0.67,Ic/1P-1P:12.16+/-0.90,Ic/1M-1 M:24.86+/-1.52,Ic/2M-2M:35.00+/-1.95.4.舌側小臼齒,舌側大臼齒突出 犬齒最遠心點到第一小臼齒最近心點的距離(mm)為舌側小臼齒突出,第二 小臼齒最遠心點到第一大臼齒最近心點的距離(mm) 為舌側大臼齒突出; 測量結果:1)舌側小臼齒突出:上顎,右側:4.13+/-0.75mm,左 側:4.04+/-0.94mm,下顎,右側:2.32+/-0.85mm,左側:2.29+/-0.69mm.2)舌 側大臼齒突出:上顎,右側:1.16+/-0.68mm,左側:0.94+/-0.59mm,下顎,右 側:1.16+/-0.68mm,左側:1.28+/-0.50mm.5.小臼齒舌側總寬,大臼齒舌側 總寬:第一小臼齒最近心點到第二小臼齒最遠心點的距離(mm)為小臼齒舌 側總寬,第一大臼齒最近心點到第二大臼齒最遠心點的距離(mm)為大臼齒 舌側總寬;測量結果:1)小臼齒舌側總寬:上顎,右側:13.76+/-0.90mm,左 側:13.57+/-0.81mm.下顎,右側:13.51+/-0.88mm,左側14.09+/-2.27mm.2) 大臼齒舌側總寬:上顎,右側:20.20+/-1.21mm,左側:19.66+/-1.28mm.下 顎,右側:20.67+/-1.23mm,左側:20.92+/-1.06mm. Since the development of Fujita method in 1970s, lingual orthontics had been applied clinically.However from lack of the data of lingual crown angulation,inclination and lingual arch form of the optimal occlusion in Taiwanese, it's difficult to understand the treatment results of lingual appliance and what tonotice when using the appliance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the lingual crown angulation, inclination and lingual arch width, depth, premolar offset, molar offset, premolar, molar lingual crown width and anterior dental arch form of the optimal occlusion in Taiwanese. The samples were 45 plaster models (28 males, 17 females)of the optimal occlusion selected from 5000 young adults. In the aspect of tooth morphology: Reference planes were the lingual axis of clinical crown and the basal planewhichis parallel to the occlusal planemade from right or left central incisal dege and disto- buccal cusp tip of right and left first molar. The reference point was the lingual axis point. The lingual crown angulation and inclination were obtained on the basis of tracing of the lingual axis and the lingual outline of the clinical crown by a Nikon V-10 profile projector. In the aspect of lingual arch form: We found the position of the referential point of each tooth. By computer, we found the lingula arch width, depth, premolar offset, molar offset, premolar, molar lingual crown width. By JMP program, we found out the anterior dental arch form using polynomial stepwise regression. The resuts are follows:In the aspect of tooth morphology:1. Lingual angulation: Mesial tipping occurred in all teeth expect the upper second molars,the lowercentral incisors and the lateral incisors. the greatest mesial tipping was observedin the lower second molars.2. Lingual inclination: Labial (Buccal) inclination occurred in all teeth expect the lower first molars and the second molars. Maximum labial inclination occurred in the upper central incisors.Maximum lingual inclination occurred in the lower first molars. In the aspect of dental arch form:1. Anterior lingual arch form: The results of the polynomial equations are: Maxilla: y=9.20266+0.00275x-0.03325x*x Mandible: y=-5.8586+0.00457+0.03491x*x2. Lingual arch width (mm): Maxilla: intercanine width: 30.40, interpremolar width: (4-4):30.59, (5-5): 35.99,intermolar width: (6-6):38.06, (7-7):43.26. Mandible: intercanine width: 23.43, interpremolar width: (4-4):27.16, (5-5):31.72, intermolar width: (6-6):33.52, (7-7):39.19.3. Lingual arch depth (mm): Maxilla: Ic/3-3:7.95, Ic/4-4:15.57, Ic/5-5:22.02, Ic/6-6:28.70, Ic/7-7:39.05. Mandible: Ic/3-3:5.49, Ic/4-4:12.16, Ic/5-5:18.65, Ic/6-6:24.86, Ic/7-7:35.00.4. Lingual premolar offset, molar offset (mm): Lingual premolar offset: Maxilla: right side: 4.13, left side: 4.04. Mandible: right side:2.32, left side: 2.29. Lingual molar offset: Maxilla: right side: 1.16, left side: 0.94. Mandible: right side: 1.10, left side: 1.28.5. Premolar, molar lingual crown width (mm): Premolar lingual crown width: Maxilla: right side: 13.76, left side: 13.57. Mandible: right side: 13.51, left side: 14.09. Molar lingual crown width: Maxilla: right side: 20.20, left side: 19.66. Mandible: right side: 20.67, left side: 20.92.
