  • 學位論文


The Relations between Children’s Behavioral Problems and Parenting Stress in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder:A Longitudinal Study

指導教授 : 吳進欽


研究背景與目的:自閉症類群障礙症(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)兒童家長的親職壓力,顯著高於一般發展兒童及其他類別障礙的兒童。高度親職壓力對ASD兒童的家庭造成負面影響。過去鮮少縱貫研究針對ASD幼兒,探討家長親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關係。因此,本研究檢驗在1.5年間,親職壓力與ASD幼兒的行為問題雙向關係。 方法:75名平均年齡為25.68個月大的ASD幼兒與其家長,進行1.5年追蹤,以親職壓力量表評估家長的親職壓力,兒童期行為檢核表評估ASD幼兒的內、外化行為問題。透過結構方程模式 (structural equation modeling),以交叉延宕模式(cross-lagged panel analysis)針對兩個時間點之家長親職壓力與ASD幼兒的行為問題進行分析。 結果:研究結果顯示控制ASD兒童的心智年齡與ASD症狀嚴重度後,家長的親職壓力與ASD幼兒的內、外化行為問題的關係為單向關係,親職壓力能夠預測1.5年後ASD幼兒的內、外化行為問題。兒童特質產生的親職壓力是ASD幼兒內、外化行為問題最有力的預測因素。 結論:親職壓力能夠預測ASD幼兒的內、外化行為問題,特別是因兒童特質引起的親職壓力。因此,早期療育應該重視親職壓力,透過降低ASD幼兒父母的親職壓力,可以減緩ASD幼兒的行為問題。


Background and purpose: Parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experienced more parenting stress than children with typical development or developmental disabilities. The high level of parenting stress brought negative outcomes in family of young children with ASD. Few longitudinal studies investigated the relations between parenting stress and child’s behavioral problems in young children with ASD and their parents. Therefore, the current study examined the relations between parenting stress and two types of behavioral problems (i.e., internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems) in young children with ASD and their parents over 1.5 years. Methods: There were 75 children (mean age = 25.68 months) with ASD and their parents recruited in this study. Parenting stress was measured with the Parenting Stress Index (PSI). Child’s behavioral problems were measured with the Child Behavior Checklist/1.5–5 (CBCL/1½–5). All of the measures were collected at the time of the initial assessment and the follow-up assessment 1.5 years later. Cross-lagged panel analysis within a structural equation modeling framework was employed to examine the relations between parenting stress and behavioral problems across two time points. Results: The relations between parenting stress and behavioral problems were not bidirectional. The findings suggested parenting stress would predict later behavioral problems. In addition, parenting stress related to parental perceptions of child characteristics predicted both types of behavioral problems, while both types of behavioral problems did not predict parenting stress in young children with ASD. Conclusion: We revealed a unidirectional relation that parenting stress predicted child’s behavioral problems over 1.5 years. Moreover, parenting stress related to parental perceptions of child characteristics was a critical impact on child’s behavioral problems. These findings have important implications that parenting stress should be concerned and included in early intervention and family services for young children with ASD and their family.


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